the big stuff

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Star, Glutton, Vibe, Florida, Alabama, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Timber, Fedora, Finn and Canada, that's everyone who's going to be here. Anyway,

Glutton's POV:

Out of all the people here, Star was the hottest. He was so small and cute. I loved just looking at xyr face. Me and him were on a hammock together, I had xyr legs spread open so I could see what I was doing. I smirked at him, xe simply smiled back.
"Hurry up, bitch." He instructed.
"You're so cute." I smiled.
"Okay, now start." Xe giggled. I nodded and slowly inserted my dick into his asshole, it felt warm, damp and kind of clammy. Star stifled a small laugh as I let my cock slither through his hole. I continued to slowly thrust into xem, I'm guessing he liked it, I mean, xe was moaning and smiling as I did it. I liked it. I loved the feeling of his moist insides.

Star's POV:

Yeah it wasn't really that good but Glutton's my boyfriend so I didn't want to disappoint him. Not gonna lie, watching what the states were doing in the corner of my eye was more satisfying, but whatever, we were having this special moment and I was going to enjoy it. We continued to have our moment.

-Meanwhile, with the states, who are across the room-
Time: Exactly the same time Star and Glutton started
New Jersey's POV:

"Before this happens, I have AIDs." Florida confessed, a deadpan look on his face. I doubt he was serious, he gets no bitches, so how could he even get AIDs?
"I'm into that." I said in return.
"Nicee." Florida smirked. New York looked disappointed, Massachusetts was checking us all out, Michigan looked terrified and Alabama had the gayest, stupidest smile ever on his face.
"There ain't no way I'm sitting through this sober." New York muttered, lighting up a joint for himself and proceeding to smoke it as we figured ourselves out.
"I thought you were all high?" Alabama questioned.
"We are now." Massachusetts answered, also grabbing something from the drug box and taking it.
"Gaytorlabd, come here." New York said. Florida scooted over to him. New York whispered something to him. Florida looked confused. "Fuck you, bitch."
"Did he just threaten to fuck Florida?" Massachusetts asked me.
"I don't know. I heard the same amount of it as you." I answered.
"That's gay." Massachusetts muttered.

"I'm gonna fyck tge shit out kf you." New York laughed.
"Mmmmmmmm.. Sure you are." Florida muttered.
"Yes I am, bitch. Get down." New York pushed Florida over and immediately did exactly what he said he'd do. He's quirky like that. I told him to boil spaghetti in kool-aid once and the next time I saw him he'd been beaten up by his Madre, so I'm guessing he did it.
"OW- N-NEW YORK! S-STOP THAT!" Florida suddenly half-screamed, half-moaned. Alabama leaned into Michigan and started describing the scene to her. Michigan simply looked horrified and disgusted. I felt bad, I doubt she'd like to hear that.

New York's POV:

Why was Florida's asshole so.. Soppy and sticky? It was like how I imagine his lungs feel. I'd been slamming into him for a while and he was straight up on the floor now, tongue out and all.

Massachusetts' POV:

Now, I know I'm always horny, but DAMN NEW JERSEY LOOKED THICK! Of course, I tried to make a move on him while New York was distracted.
"Hey baby, did you fall from heaven? Cause you look like an angel." I said to New Jersey. He just looked confused and laughed.
"Do you happen to have an extra heart? Cause you've stolen mine." I tried that one.
"Oh, that's what you mean- no, I don't think I do." He laughed.
"Uh.. Do you have a map? I've gotten lost in your eyes." Uh oh, this wasn't looking good.
"No, I don't think I do." He turned away from me. Shit.
"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber?" I had to try that one.
"I think I'd be more of a turnip." He objected. Yeah this isn't working out for me, is it.

New Jersey says:

I hated that so much, I barely even know Massachusetts like what the fuck?

New York says:

You're dead, Massachusetts.

Michigan says:

Why am I here?

Third person time now!!

After like half an hour of joyful, confusing sex, Massachusetts dying inside, Michigan crying and Glutton and Star getting distracted all the time, there was a knock on the window.
"Who's that?" Massachusetts asked.
"I don't know, go open it." New Jersey said in return. Massachusetts got up, opened the window and saw Timber, Fedora, Finn and Rhode Island there.
"Hi." Massachusetts waved.
"Hi daddy."
"Hi Massachusetts." They all said their greetings at the same time.
"How did you escape your condom?" Alabama asked Rhode Island.
"I ate it." They answered.
"Oh, okay then." Alabama nodded.

"I'm done with yae, whore, slut, Gatorland." New York said to Florida, getting up casually, pulling his pants back up and walking over to Massachusetts. He grabbed Massachusetts by their arm and dragged them away. Oh. Shit.
"Ow." Florida mumbled to himself, proceeding to pull his pants back up.

A few minutes of silence later, someone opened the door. It was Canada.
"Hey do any of you know where USA put th- oh. Hi." It didn't take long for the horny gremlins, Timber, Fedora and Finn, to notice Canada and attempt to fuck him. Timber went for Ontari- I mean, his cock, Fedora started trying to make out with him and Finn just looked confused. Soon, someone walked passed the door, it was Texas, he stopped when he heard what was happening and stood there to watch for a moment. He had his bird army with him, Oliver, Clyde, Edward and Ryan. As soon as they saw Florida, Ryan and Clyde zoomed into the room and attacked him. Pecking him, hissing at him, etc. Florida tried to get them off, but failed miserably. In the midst of this, New York came back. He had blood all over him, and Massachusetts was gone, but nobody dared to question it.
"Go big burd!" He cheered in the most monotonous voice ever.

Meanwhile, Star and Glutton were cuddled up together and watching this go down.
"He definitely killed your state." Glutton whispered to Star.
"I know." Star whispered back.

[Maybe I'll write another part Idrk, 1083 words yaya]

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