(Chapter 21) After Party part 2, (and a fluffy morning ^^)

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Hey! Here's the continuation of the chapter before this. Enjoy !! <3

*No one's POV*

Minato carefully backed down off of Tobirama, ending their kiss. He held his hand and smiled as they both went back inside together. Almost immediately Hashirama ran up to them.

"Hey! I was looking for you all ove-" He stopped talking. His eyes guided down to Minato and Tobirama's hand conjoined. They both quickly let go as they realized where he was looking.

"U-Uh-" Minato uttered out.

"OHHHH I see what's going on hereeee! Damn Tobirama you guys did it that quickly? And outside?" Hashirama went on.

"SHUT UP!!" Tobirama exclaimed, face flushed red. "I didn't DO anything. Just went to check up on him. Now go back over there to dancing." He ordered.

Hashirama winked and patted Tobirama on the shoulder and started walking away. Tobirama put his hands into a fists and started almost growling and Minato put a hand on top of his.

"It's okay, you don't have to be upset at him." He said innocently to Tobirama.

"He's ruining things right now." Tobirama admitted looking back at him.

Minato laughed. "It's fine, now lets go back to enjoying the party." He said smiling. He dragged Tobirama by his wrists back to the dance floor where everyone was, and from there they happily danced together.


After the dance, everyone was directed outside for the show part. It was a simple show case everyone got to see, where they ate, and sat with whoever they wanted. All of the hokages sat together amongst everyone else. They all watched the show happily like one big family.


After the show, everyone started to say goodbye. The kages would be here until Monday because that was the next part of the exams in terms of fighting, the last part would be written and they didn't need to take it. Just in their own villages. So the kages thanked Minato, and shook his hand for this amazing rememberable night. He waved to them all as they left, and as everyone else left too.

Lord 3rd and his wife said goodbye to him and Hashirama and his brother. Hashirama said goodbye to Minato and see you later, as Minato couldn't leave till everyone else left. He sat down and waited.

"Hey, are you not going home yet?"

"Hm?" Minato replied a bit phased. He wasn't that drunk but it was seriously starting to kick in.

"I said are you- are you drunk? What'd I tell you about drinking??" Tobirama questioned, remembering that time Minato came home drunk.

"What?? Nooo... look I have to stay till AFTER everyone leaves, sillyyyy," He replied, rubbing his eyes.

"I will stay right here with you then."



As the last person left, Minato got up. Quickly using his speed, he went around and shuttled off every light. Everything would be taken care of by the workers in the morning. So he was set to go.

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