3: Mahidevran

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A woman is ready to do everything in order to keep a loving man by her side, until the moment the man starts making her feel worthless. Then she is ready to change everything and stop running for someone they don't deserve.

 Then she is ready to change everything and stop running for someone they don't deserve

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Manisa, 10th January 1515

I took a small sip of tea which was placed on the table in front of me. Gathering was made for all the women in imperial harem of prince Suleiman. I was sitting down on the pillows while here were Suleiman's mother Ayse Hafsa, and his first two consorts Safiye and Halime.

When I arrived, I only heard stories of them two hating each other, but since the news of my pregnancy, I saw they two have gotten along really well. Halime Sultan was pregnant once again even if that should have been forbidden, and because of that the favourite place in Ayse Hafsa's heart was taken by me.

She preferred me a lot since I came here and gifted me with many beautiful gifts. She herself taught me very important rules because she wanted me to be perfect for her son, unlike those two who arrived here before me.

"I wish we could be in Istanbul with my beloved Sultan Selim, he will arrive here in the moment when my next grandson from Mahidevran gets born and I can't wait for that moment," Ayse Hafsa said and we all knew she misses her husband since she is sent to Sanjak with her son as the traditions said it have to be.

"Not only her son will be born, but also mine," Halime said raising her head and looking at me from the higher position, but who was I to interrupt her. She was mother of a prince and very loved by Suleiman and I didn't have courage to say something to her.

"Punishment will come to you and you will give birth to a daughter because you lied to all of us," Ayse Hafsa said not even looking at her which made Safiye smile a bit, because she and Halime enjoyed fighting over the attention of Hafsa or Suleiman.

"That is not a punishment, but it was a God's will to gift His Majesty with another son," Halime said as she switched her look then at me and I could see her hate me in her eyes so much.

"Hafsa Sultan, why would it be bad if she gives birth to a daughter?" I asked and I could only see Safiye and Halime look at each other and laugh at my words because they thought I had no idea about anything, but I did knew the rules well.

"Absolutely nothing would be bad, little Sultana would be our huge blessing too, like we have our little Fahriye. But it will happen when she doesn't stop complaining about how she will born son," Hafsa said once again making Halime feel bad, but this woman like was of another kind because she seemed so indifferent to those things, like no one's words could ever hurt her and that was something I wish I could also have.

"Sultanim, I am sorry for interrupting you but His Majesty has called for someone," Sumbul bowed to the Sultanas.

"I should go," Halime said and she got up giving her son Mahmud in hands of her most trusted lady Menekse.

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