New Relations

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"So did you know?" Sam asked Everett. "No, when they said a weapon. I never imagined a person," he sighed. "What's our next steps?" Sam asked. "I don't know," he said. "Ross, you can't take her there. You know what they will do," he said. "I don't have a choice right now," he said. "So just hand her over to the CIA," Sam grew upset. "Look. I am not happy about this at all. I don't want to. But if we make enemies with them, I am more worried my say in anything will go out the door. If we do this right, I can at least be there. I can motor it all," he explained. Everett kept staring at her. Katalina was sitting on a seat, staring out the window. She had her face leaning on her hand. "Huh, they weren't kidding about what she was though, that's for sure," Sam said. Everett seemed to have ignore him. 

Sam noticed how he was staring at her. He noticed his lip twitched, trying to hide a smile. It sure gave Sam assurance that Everett would keep his word on her protection. "She's been through a lot today. Perhaps you go and talk to her," Sam suggested. "Oh. I don't know. I'm not really qualified to do that," Everett stopped as he noticed Sam was raising his eyebrows at him. "What?" Everett asked. "I am sure you both would have a lot to talk about," he shrugged. "May I ask what are you assuming?" Everett asked. Sam hid his smirk. "Nothing," he chuckled. Everett got what he was hinting at. " No," he wagged his finger at him. "Please, I saw you both flirting at the Gala," Sam said. "That was not. I was not. This is a professional," Everett tried to argue. Sam only laughed. "You do realize she is way younger than me," Everett raised his eyebrow. Sam walked away humming. Everett chose to ignore him. He continued to stare at her until he finally built the courage to approach her.

He sat across from her. "You alright?" Everett asked her. "Nothing like knowing you're not safe anymore," she sighed. "That's not completely true. You'll be safe," he tried to explain. "Hidden away and held prisoner with the CIA. Yep, real safe," she said. "Hey, that won't happen. I won't let that happen," he assured her. She turned to look at him. She caught his eyes. "So weird," she said. "What is?" Everett asked. "Any person I look at I can read their thoughts, their emotions, sometimes even their true characters, yet with you, I can't get anything. It's just quiet. The more people around, the more I am afraid, the louder the thoughts and voices are. But with you, it just all goes away.  ," she said. "Is that a good thing?" Everett chuckled nervously. "Honestly yes. It's so quiet and refreshing. It's weird to probably understand this, but sometimes it's better to not know anything than to know everything," she smiled at him. "Weirdly, I understand," he smiled back. "Do you think I'm a danger?" Katalina asked him. "What? No, not at all," he was shocked. She hid her face. "Hey, wait," he got up and sat in the seat next to her. She looked at him.

"I don't think you're dangerous at all. In fact, I do believe you are special for sure," he said. She blushed hearing that. "Really?" Katalina asked. "I wouldn't lie to you," he said. "Everett, can you promise me something?" Katalina looked at him. "Of course," he said. "Promise me you won't leave me. I trust you," she said. The words caused his cheeks to burn red. He could feel his heartbeat spike. "Um, yes. Of course. Yes, of course," he smiled at her. "Thank you," she said. She continued to look out the window. "So anyone we should notify about you know, that way no one reports you missing. Any friends? Family? Boyfriend?" Everett asked her. "No. None of the above. Only child, parents died young, and no friends. Unless you call my clients that," she said. "Your clients?" Everett asked.  "The pet portraits I do. It's a great way to make money," she said. "Was that your main job?" Everett asked. "It is. Well, kind of. I do sell just regular art too," she said. "Anything I can see?" Everett asked. "I don't have much of paintings with me, but I do carry this," she said as she pulled out a large book out of her bag. She began to flip through the it. "These are pretty much my rough drawing, watercolors, and pen doodles," she said as she handed it to him. As Everett looked through them he grew amazed each page. "These are incredible," he said as he stopped to admire them. "Thank you. I usually only draw in this when my surroundings get too chaotic. I find something or think of something that enables me to relax. It helps me stay calm and I don't cause a power outage," she joked. "You should try to get some sleep. We still have awhile before we are there," he smiled at her. She nodded as she brought her knees up to her chest. Everett stayed sitting with her.

A bounce from the turbulence caused her to move. Her head fell on his shoulder. He stiffened. But he didn't want to wake her. The bouncing increased. He noticed she was moving around alot. He wrapped his arm around her and pressed her close to him. He held her still. Of course this caused him to smile. Sam noticed and softly kicked Bucky. He motioned his head to them. Bucky saw Everett lean his head on hers. He couldn't help but feel happy for him. 

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