Sweet Dreams 2

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"You are going to love it," Shuri squealed as she opened the door to her room. "Wait. This is from my home.." she said. "Yes, think of it as our gift to you," she smiled. "Thank you so much," she said. "Now, don't worry about your old place. We took care of your last payment for rent. If you ever do go back, it will be ready for you," Shuri told her. "Oh. Gosh. Thank you so much," Katalina smiled. "I will let you get settled, if you do need anything, please, let us know," she said as she walked out.

Katalina looked around. She couldn't believe what all they did for her. She looked at the bookshelf covered in her books, along with her Knick knacks and small treasures she had. It amazed her to know how much they brought from her apartment. Even though she was excited to see her home right there, she knew she was exhausted. She went into her bathroom to wash up and dress for bed.

As Shuri walked out she bumped into someone. Everett almost ran into Shuri. "Oh, I'm sorry," he cleared his throat. "In a rush?" She asked. "Just wanted to see," he trailed off. "Relax, Ross. She isn't going anywhere," she laughed at him. "Is she in..." he trailed off. "I am sure she would love to see you. Go in already," she smiled at him. He nodded as he walked in.

He didn't see her there, but he did notice the bathroom light was on. He regretted just walking in. He paced a bit. He wondered if he should go out and wait outside. He began to keep his focus on the stuff around him, staring at the books and trinkets. He then noticed the sketchbook she kept safe. He noticed his pen was holding a spot in the book. His curiosity got to him. What he saw caused him to melt. It was a pen drawing of him. Seeing it caused him to smile. He remembered that she had said that she only drew things and places that made him feel safe. The thought that she saw him as a safe place. 

He could here the movement in the Bathroom. He then decided to leave. He headed for the door. Before he could escape he heard her. "Everett?" She said his name. He turned around quickly. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to just walk in. Honestly," he put his hands up. Katalina giggled at his nervousness. "It's okay. I was just getting ready for bed. As beautiful as that Wakandan outfit was, I missed my own clothes" she said. Everett blushed a bit seeing her in her clothes. She was wearing black Cotton shorts with a Wicked Broadway t-shirt. "This definitely fits you more," he joked. "I guess," she smiled. "So are you happy here? I mean do you feel safe?" Everett asked. "I do. Everything they already have done. I mean, I can't complain," she sighed. She sat on her bed. She then patted it for him to sit by her.

"So are we going to talk about it?" Katalina started to play with her hair. "About what?" Everett asked. She tilted her head. It then hit him. "Oh. Right," he cleared his throat. "If you would rather," she started to say. "Look. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. Okay, that's a lie. I did mean to. I wanted to do that. But it was so unprofessional. But seeing you alive and okay. I just couldn't handle myself. I am so sorry. I completely understand if you never want to talk to me or if you would rather just forget it. I would not judge you if just completely—" he got cut off. Katalina kissed him. She then looked at him with a humm. "There. Now we are even," she smiled. He was taken back. His face burned bright red. He didn't say anything. "Everett?" Katalina looked at him. Her eyes made him melt. "You kissed me," he chuckled nervously. "Yes, I did," she smiled. "Honesty was a sweet way to tell me to shut up after I was babbling," he joked. "Well you know," she moved closer to him.

"Everett," she said. He looked up at her. "Yes," he said. "I care deeply for you. I hope you know that," she admitted. He took her hand. He softly kissed the knuckle. "I care deeply for you too. Being completely honest with you, I ..I like you, Katalina," he said. Her eyes grew big. "I like you too," she said. He blushed more. Everett checked his watch. "I should let you sleep," he smiled. He got up. "Oh, wait. I do have something to ask you," he said. "Yes," she got up to meet him. "Now if you don't want to, I completely understand. You don't have to say yes," he stuttered. "Everett. Just ask," she said. He took her by the hands. "T'challa has mentioned he can help you. He can help find where your powers come from. He can even help find ways for you to really control and understand them. Here in Wakanda, they have the resources and technology to help," he said. Katalina didn't say anything. "Now again. It won't be by force. It would be for your safety not for anyone else," he assured her. She still didn't say anything. "I'm sorry. This was selfish to ask. I'll just drop it," he sighed. "No. No. You're right. I should find out. I deserve that," she admitted. "Really? Again they can help you here," he tried softening the idea. "You trust them. That's all that matters," she smiled. "And if you ever need anything, you can call me," he assured her. "You say as if you aren't going to be here," she giggled. He didn't say anything. He just looked down. "Everett?" She called his name. "Katalina. I got to make sure things went smoothly back at the CIA. I'm not going to walk out clean from that without a reason," he explained. "Wait. Are you really going?" She panicked. "It's just until I clear things up there. Once it is, I'll be sure to visit," he assured her. She pulled away. "Katalina, please. It's going to be okay," he tried to tell her. "Please, Everett. Don't leave me again," her voice had a crack in it. This caused Everett to feel guilty. "Thaddeus will have the entire squad in my case," he tried explaining. He walked up to her. He put his arms around her waist. "Will you come back to me?" She asked. "Yes, yes. Of course. I'll explain to the CIA why I believe Wakanda is the best place for you. Believe me, they will have to agree with me. I may be on leave for a bit since I did help in breaking you out, but other than that, it will be fine," he assured her. "May I ask one thing," she leaned her head on his chest. He began to softly brush her head. "Yes," he said. "Stay. Just for tonight. Please," she begged. He pulled her up. He smiled at her. "Tell you what. I'll stay tonight, have breakfast with you, then go off. How's that?" Everett smiled at her. She nodded. "Alright, good. Now I should let Barnes and Wilson know. Plus ask T'challa for another guest room," he said as he was about to walk off. He then felt her pull his hand. He turned to her. "Stay with me," she smiled. "With you?" Everett hid his blushing cheeks. "It's a king sized bed. It could fit five people on it," she giggled. He saw her smiling face. "Yes, of course," he kissed her forehead. "I'll go let them know they can head out tonight, but I promise to come back," he told her. She nodded as he walked off.

"Everett, you ready," Bucky said as he popped his head out of the jet. "Actually I was going to," he got cut off when Sam tossed him a bag. "We know. That's why I brought you this," Sam said smiling. Everett opened it to find sweatpants, a t- shirt, and a fresh suit. "May I ask what you assumed?" He raised his eyebrows. "Just that you would want to make sure she was okay for the night," he shrugged. "Don't worry. Thaddeus won't find us. We have a spot to stay until he cools off. Just be careful tomorrow," Sam said to him. "Be careful yourselves," Everett smiled at them. "Send word when we can come back," Bucky called to him. Everett waved as they flew off.

He walked back into the room. "Whatcha got there?" Katalina asked him. "Just a gift," he smiled. "Hmm," Katalina hummed. "Mind if I change here?" Everett motioned his head to the Bathroom. "Of course," she nodded.

Everett came out in sweats and an old t-shirt. "Now that's a different look on you," she smiled at him. "You never saw me in anything but a suit. Your feelings change at all," Everett smiled. She walked up to him. She lightly kissed his nose. "Absolutely not," she said. She then walked over to the bed. "How long do you think you'll be gone fore," she asked him. "No longer than a week. I know Thaddeus will be on me. But I also know he will want to know what you're up to," he said as he pulled the sheets away. "Wait? What if he comes here?" Katalina panicked. "Don't worry about that. That would break a lot of treaties. Thaddeus isn't that stupid or reckless. Plus he won't do anything that would jeopardize your exposure to the world," he assured her. "Right," she nodded. "Hey, you are safe here. You can trust me," he smiled at her. "I know I can," she said.

It was nearly midnight. Everett looked over and saw Katalina was cuddled up in her blankets. Her breathing was soft and light. He knew she was sleeping. He kept wondering why he could not sleep. He then started to inch closer to her. He was about an arm away from her. He stopped. He realized that was close enough. He then felt a head on his chest. Katalina turned over and cuddled up to him. He tensed. She hummed as she got herself comfortable by his side. "If you wanted to cuddle, you just had to ask," she muttered. He placed his arms around her. "Sorry. I didn't want to wake up," he told her. "You didn't," she assured him. He leaned his head on hers. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart," he kissed her head. "Goodnight, my Everett," she cuddled up to him. 

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