Keeping It

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Maeve was still unsure on how she felt about the baby. She knew that part of her wanted to be a mummy. But she was scared that she would end up like her sister. Scared to love her own baby.

Maeve knew that everything was complicated. She knew how she and Tom needed to have a sit down and talk about the baby. She knew that they had to decide what they were doing before it was too late.

That morning, she woke and felt sick. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

Esmè walked in and held her hair back. She smiled. "It'll get worse before it gets better," she said.

Maeve sighed. "I'm not looking forward to it. I'm really not."

"At least you'll get your baby out of it," Esmè said.

Maeve smiled as she looked to her sister. "Despite what you think, you'd have been a good mummy. I know you. You're amazing. Bella is a lucky girl. She has two mummies as she tells me," she said.

Esmè nodded. "I love her so much. But at the same time, I hate what Max did to me. How he walked out on his daughter. Whoever the father of your baby is, don't let him treat you like how Max treated me. Okay?"

"I don't think he will. He's a decent guy," Maeve told her sister.


Maeve went into school and smiled. She knew that no one knew she was pregnant yet. And she wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

Maeve smiled as she saw Tom. She looked to him as he walked over to her. "Morning sir."

"Morning. You okay?"

Maeve nodded. She looked to him. "Yeah im fine. Can I talk to you about an essay?" She asked.

Tom nodded and motioned for her to follow him inside. The two of them went to his classroom. "What's this about?" He asked.

"The baby. We need to make a choice about what we're doing before it's too late," Maeve said.

Tom smiled. "Do you want to keep it?"

"I definitely do. Do you?"

Tom nodded and smiled. "A baby would be nice. I want to keep it," he told her.

Maeve grinned as she looked to him. She nodded. "I guess we're having a baby then."

"We're having a baby."

Maeve was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Dynasty walked over. "Fancy coming out tonight? Our Barry has got tickets to the new club in town."

"Yeah maybe. I could do with a laugh."

"Fab! I'll let him know. He won't charge you for a ticket. Fancies you," Dynasty said with a smile as she stood and walked off.

Maeve sighed and took out her essay. She knew that she didn't want to go out. But she had to keep up appearances. She didn't want anyone knowing she was pregnant yet.

Maeve was sitting in the science lab. She sighed as she stood up to get her equipment. But all of a sudden she felt a shooting pain in her stomach.

But was she losing the baby?

Precious mistakes *T.Clarkson*Where stories live. Discover now