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Dear Writers,

As a native English speaker, I applaud those of you who can write awesome fanfiction and books in another language. 

Congrats, you're able to write fanfiction for more people than you were originally. 

As a quadrilingual(yes that's a real word, look it up) myself, I understand how hard it can be to write in a language that isn't your mother tongue. 

So when I see the "English is not my native language" comment or something along those lines in books, I'm more forgiving. 

But what annoys me the most is LAZINESS. 

Native English writers on here will use your and you're interchangeably, as if they're the same word. 

Or use "u" instead of "you". 

Or write "LOL" instead of writing "He/She/It/They laughed." 

I once saw a fanfic where the writer wrote in the 'r replaced with w' style and had to quit reading because it hurt my brain. 

Every time I see things like that I just want to jump through the screen and shake the person on the other side, while screaming "CAN YOU NOT WRITE IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE????" 

It annoys me severely to see people so lazy that they can't even write properly. 

I understand accidentally spelling something wrong, as I do it all the time, but readers will comment on that stuff, and the writers won't go back and fix it! 

It's super easy to fix, too! Just fix it before it brings unwanted attention! 

My most hated one of these "lazy mistakes" is the work "chocking". 

If you write this, whether it be by accident, on purpose, or because you're lazy, expect a roast.

Sometimes I'll be reading an awesome fanfic/book and then the writer will spell an easy word wrong, and I'll almost feel betrayed. 

Like it's a smudge on a perfectly good piece of work. 

I also hate when authors use fancy-pants words without knowing the meaning. 

"Now Sherry, I understand that the word 'pygalgia' sounds pretty, but when readers look it up, they'll be wondering why you named your character 'Pain in the ass'."

/( ̄︶ ̄)/ (●'◡'●) \( ̄︶ ̄)\

Please, please, please double check your work before you publish it. 

Don't hurt the readers like that.

Here are some add-ons that will help with grammar/spelling checks.





Google Dictionary

Happy Reading!

XOXO, womaninthequeue

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