Alexander Krüger

15 0 0

univerese restiance fall of man

age 16

gender male

height 5 feet


affilation  afrika korps

rank nco

 fought  against the chrimear in africa  one of the last german military persnoel

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 fought  against the chrimear in africa  one of the last german military persnoel


American   smg given by the us goverment   to hold off the chimera in africa 

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American   smg given by the us goverment   to hold off the chimera in africa 

American   smg given by the us goverment   to hold off the chimera in africa 

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stick gernade   conserded obselite .

status kia

last recordsing

 hello anyone out there Im down to 4 men left  please send help africa is lost  there to many may god help us.

biological has a small immunite to chimera infection but is  rendered not in combat shape post infection.

last  orders from german high command in berlin  destroy the towers

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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