Gelatin Torture

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Gelatin awakes in a dark room, tied to a chair.

He looks around for anything but all he can see is a lamp above him and the brick floor below.

Suddenly he hears footsteps coming towards him, and he can just barley see a figure in the dark.

"Hi guys it's me teardrop and I've captured gelatin" the figure says in the most threatening voice she can manage.

"Teardrop?" Gelatin asks "Why are you doing this?" Teardrop laughs and comes closer replying simply with "Revenge"


"Who are you?" Balloony asks "What are you doing here?"

"Seriously?" Two says "Anyway yeah I only came here to tell you to buy a recovery center, lolz bye." Two then fades out while doing the peace sign (the one where you hold up two fingers)

"How are we gonna buy a recovery center?" Leafy asks "We don't have enough money for it!" Profily then replies "Can't you just use your Box of Paper Slips?"

"I left them at the TV place lol whoopsies" Leafy says about the current scenario.


"Revenge?" Gelatin questions "For what?!?!?"

"Well clearly you haven't read the gelatin rant on" teardrop says "anywayz its time for teardrops torture time" for some reason teardrop kinda sings the torture time part

Teardrop pushes over Gelatin's chair so that hes looking at the lamp above, then she walks through a door behind Gelatin, later returning with another person, iPod.

iPod's unconscious body is dragged to the wall and chained there, teardrop takes his Earbuds and puts them on gelatin, who knows what is about to happen.

Teardrop then plays BABY SHARK ON LOOP FOR 73 HOURS

a/n: sorry about making this chapter better than usual language homework had a lotta grammar and story stuff

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