Chapter 14: Night talk

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Isabelle's POV

After dinner with all the contestants, Ava and I returned to our room. The day went eventful when I was selected as one of the top 20 finalists of the beauty pageant. However, it was bittersweet to end the day with some of our friends leaving the competition.

The miserable feeling that my close friends or I will leave the contest makes me feel gloomy. To not dwell on our sadness, we promised to keep in contact with one another and exchange numbers so we could meet in the future.

That night, I updated and called my father to say I got into the top 20. "Daddy, I am one of the finalists!" I spoke to him delightedly.

"That's good, kiddo! I could never be more proud of you. Please take care of yourself always, okay?" My father responded.

"Will do, daddy. By the way, how's your health right now? Do they decide already when to operate your heart surgery?" I become aware of my father's upcoming surgery.

"Yes, dear, but sadly they could only operate me on the day of the grand final. So, I might be unable to attend your pageant and be there for you. I am sorry, dear...." My father was discouraged.

"Daddy, you don't have to feel bad. Your health is the priority, and I understand that. For now, I'll let you rest until your surgery, okay, dad? Focus on yourself first. Then you can concern about me later." I emphasized that to my father.

"Alright, dear.....I love you, and I will always pray for your success. Please remember that." Then my father says goodbye to me, and suddenly my mood becomes low-spirited.

Right then, Ava noticed how my mood changed and asked if I was okay. "Is everything okay, Sweetheart? You look sad..." Ava observed.

"I just called over my dad and remembered that he will undergo surgery during the grand day. I am truly worried for him. I wish I could be there for him...." I upset.

"Belle....he's going to be fine. Trust him that he could overcome this. Plus, your stepmother will be there to take care of him. So, you don't have to worry. I think your father really wants you to focus on competition cause you don't want any regrets, aren't you?"

"I guess so... Let's just pray a lot and hope the surgery went well," I mentioned.

"Don't worry too much, okay? I will also pray for your dad's recovery." She smiled at me to make me feel better. I leaned my head on her shoulder cause after all, I needed someone to be there for me and Ava always never failed to make me feel stronger than before.

Later, for the rest of our night, we rest on the bed and have a pillow talk. Because of our conversation, we become more relaxed and comfortable with each other, enhancing our emotional intimacy.

We talked about everything, like sharing our dreams about the future, our fears, and reminiscing our special moments when we first met.

An intimacy that creates within us feels exceptional as we laugh, reassure the other person and look into each other's eyes, making us feel closer than ever.

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