CHAPTER 4: Funny moments for Cleign, Embarrasing for Brent.

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   While Brent is watching NBA in a television, suddenly Cleign came near laughing out loud like no tomorrow. Brent looked at him, you can see from his face that he is so annoyed then started to speak.

"What are you doing?!" Said Brent.

"What? I'm not doing anything but Laughing! Hahahaha.." Cleign said innocently trying to control his laugh.

"So, why are you laughing?!" you are so disgusting! Brent exclaimed.

"Nothing. I just saw something." Cleign answered.

"What is it?" Brent asked then turned off the tv and stand.

"This!" Cleign said handling a cube-shaped thing.

"That's it? Come on Cleign, it's just a tissue!" now feel relief, he sitted back.

"Wha-haaat?! A tissue huh? Can you check it again? You IDIOT!!" Cleign exclaimed then throw it to Brent's face, still laughing.

"What's wrong with you Bro?" Brent said with a strong voice. His fine eyes turned to a big balls after he have read the bolded name... "CHARMEE.. Sanitary napkin" "Napkin?!! what?! A sanitary napkin?!" "I thought it was a Tissue! Holllyyy shit!" Brent exclaimed while clenching his teeth. He looks at Cleign rolling in the floor laughing at him.

"Hahahaha. A TISSUE huh? Yeah, maybe... made up of tissue! CHARMEE pa talaga kinuha mo?! Nakakatawa ka Bro!! Mai post nga yan sa FB." Cleign said annoying Brent.

Brent stand up again and walked into Cleign's." Go on, do that. And you will die!" he said seriously.

"Hahaha. I'm just joking bro! Antanga kasi ee! Libre lang magtanong diba? Tanong tanong rin minsan! XD" Cleign said, reducing his laugh.

"Whatever! I'm not a girl, I don't know such things!" Brent defending himself.

"Yeah, youre not a girl, so don't act like one! Youre so funnnnyyy!" Cleign said while holding the "Tissue".

"Look, I'm just a man, made mistakes! I'm not perfect, maybe just in the look but I'm not totally perfect!" Brent said.

"Yeah, same mistakes huh?" Cleign said with an evil in his voice.

"What are you talking about?!" Brent exclaimed with the puzzle face.

"Remember when we were kids? About the shave cream?" Cleign replied pushing him  to remember.

Brent stocked up for a while ... Refreshing his memories.



   I saw my dad doing something. I'm on the sofa , playing my psp. I can't help to glance at what he was doing , I'm just too curioused. I go near him, watching as his razor softly glide in his creamy face. Suddenly he stopped when he noticed me. "Hey Brent, what are you looking at?" my dad asked, "I'm looking at you?" I answered "why are you doing that?" I added. "This?" (holding a razor), a beautiful man like me can do this." he looked at me and smile." You too can do this, In the righht time" he added. Feel satisfied on his answers , I go back to the sofa and continue playing. A minutes later, I saw him out of the bathroom and went upstairs. Because I'm too curious,  I fo back again and search for my dad's things. Lucky, he left the shave cream in the facial bowl. I faced the mirror and started to put a cream on my face then started to shave. At a start it was alright, feels right but then I suddenly felt like it was going harsh. I move closer in the mirror and saw a light slashes on my face and blood seems to flow from it. I'm scared , rushed out from the bathroom, trembling, I shouted for my dad. He immediately go down to see me. He looks shocked of me, immediately grabbed me, sitted me on the chair and get some first aid kit." Why did you do that!?" he madly asked while putting something on my face. "What? You said a beautiful man like you can do that?! I am handsome, that's what you and mum always told me right?" I answered crying. "So, I can do that!" I added. He looked at me and said ... "Yeah, youre handsome Brent" in calm voice , "But I said you can do that in the RIGHT TIME!" he said in the strong voice. In my mind..." Ow, yeah, he said At The Right Time!" shiit! I forgot! "I'm sorry dad" I apologized. "Brent, look, youre handsome enough"  he complimented and kissed me on the forehead and give a small smile. I smiled back. At the middle of that moment, I suddenly saw Cleign at one corner trying to hide his laugh. EPIC FAIL! -____-"


  Back to reality, I saw Cleign infront of me, still laughing...

"Remember now?" he asked.

"Shut up you slut! It was different, not the same! You Idiot!" I exclaimed it to him.

"Look Brent, Mistake+Mistake= SAME MISTAKES!! HAHAHAHA! " Now doing his evil laugh again.

"Cleign... Could you please DIE!! " I said and look at him sharply.

"Were bestfriends, if I will die, you must die also!" he said backed.

"Whatever! Suck your dick!" now trying to annoy him. "Ow, I forgot, you don't have one right?" I added.

    Im on my way to my room, still not contented. I looked back at him "You can use Mine" I said . I saw his face trashed a bit. Then I entered my room. Sometimes Revenge is good! 

Princess of all the BitchesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon