Chapter Three//Take My Pills

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Raph sneaks into Donatello lab.

Donny is out with the others watching the television.


Raph grabs a random bottle, he doesn't bother looking at what it is. He doesn't care.

He creeps back to his bedroom, throwing the pills on his bed as he shuts the door.

He finally takes the opportunity to look at what he grabbed.

Pharmaceutical fentanyl, in other words, something that will do the trick.

Raphael opens the bottle of pills, grabs them, and swallows them dry. He then lays on the bed and closes his eyes, waiting.

Secondary. That's all he is. That's all he is, standing next to Leo. His is merely second-best, second-in-command, and the list goes on.

Growing up with three other brothers under such a small roof, cooped up like they are, you learn pretty quick how to get away. Get whatever you want. Get attention, get dad's approval, the list continues on.

Mikey always stole the attention from everyone. The kid is very smart about it too, I'll give him that.

Don's one of a kind. He fixes everything, makes pretty cool inventions, his our medic. He's always got the attention in that sense. He's a pretty smart guy.

And Leo got the attention the minute he was fricking born.

Leo isn't like the others when it comes to him getting attention. Mikey gets obnoxious and annoying, but he doesn't hog Splinter's attention from everyone at least.

Don's way of getting attention is very subtle and ain't much. Nothing that Raph has to worry about.

But Leo? Oh shell no! Leo is fricking hogging it all! Always playing leader, the prodigy. It's not fair at all. He acts like a know-it-all! Donny can act like that sometimes, but it's in a different sense. The nerdy sense, not the "I'm the best" kind of sense.

"Raph? Wanna come watch Crognard the Barbarian?" An innocent voice asks.


"Not at the moment Mikey! I'm reading a comic!" Raph yells back, rubbing his face in the process.

"If you say so bro!" You can almost hear the innocent smile on Mikey's face as he answers back and walks away.

So sweet, so innocent...

Shell. He needs help.

Raphael rushes to the door, but opens it softly, not wanting to get his bros' attention.

He stealthy walks to Splinter's rooms and knocks on the door.

"Sensei, I need your help."

The door slowly slides open. "Yes, Raphael?"

Raph pushes past his sensei, and slides the door shut.

"Raphael! What is the meaning of this?" Splinter asks with a tone of frustration.

"Sensei, I-" He can't say it. He can't say that he is on the verge of death all because of his own doings.

He doesn't notice he has tears in his eyes until a soft paw places a gentle hand on his check.

"Raphael, my son, what is the matter?"

Raph then takes a long, deep breathe... and then explodes into a bubbling mess.

"Sensei, I took some pills from Donny's cabinet in the lab. I took too many sensei, I did it on purpose!" Raphael sobs into his sensei's robe.

Splinter is in complete shock.

His son, his beloved Raphael, tried to take his own life?

"I will get Donatello."

"No!" Raph cries harder. "Don't tell the others! Please! Can't we handle this by ourselves?" He sobs again.


"I'll-I'll make myself throw up! I'll do anything. Just don't tell them!"

Raphael is so out of character it's scary for Splinter. To see his son a mess like this. This scared? This is not right.

"Raphael, I don't think you understand the predicament we are in right now. I will need to let Donatello know. He will help you. He won't tell the others. I won't allow it. Now, come. Go to the lab. There isn't much time!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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