Chapter 1: Busters Letter

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Hi my name is William and i'm your average kid. I love gaming and playing hookey. I don't know my blood type and I'm 6 foot four, 155 pounds and have an average amount of fingers. I didn't know that soon my life would change forever.

    Today I was wearing my finest outfit. I had on a bowler hat that was covered in exotic feathers from poached quails that was very expensive. I also had on a pleather coat that was black and had the words "I don't quit" written across the back in white font. I also had on my denim jeans that were gold plated pockets and were very expensive. Finally, I had on my big red shoes that were Nike. I got them from a very respected etiquette swap meet.

    I had started production on my new album, "Salvators Revenge" which was very subtle and subliminal with its deep messaging that made anyone who read its Genius page cry. The contents on my character were bold and I had a heart full of adventure and was on the grasp of my greatest success story yet. I knew this album would succeed, it had to, it was the only way...

    You see, for years now I've been being hunted down by both the mafia and the yakuza as well as the government all because I tried to get funding for my portal to fictional universes but it turned out to be a dud. I had to pay up before December 19 or they would kill me in gruesome and violent ways, even more violent than McKamey Manor (yeesh).

    This would all change on the night of December 18 when I was tinkering away at my portal device, knowing it wouldn't work but feeling depressed and unsubordinate. Until I noticed something, a screw had not fully been tightened. I was in shock, more shock than at the ending of Star Wars Rogue One in which all the characters die. I rushed to my wrench and grasped it between my palms, sweating with prowess. I tightened and tightened with all my might, sweating like a pig at the slaughterhouse. A beaming flash of light broke through the device, flashing red and blue quickly across my eyes just like the banned episode of pokemon epilepsy porygon. Luckily I did not get epilepsy but I did get a taste for adventure, a taste so sheik it shocked me with uncontrollable emotion. Out from the light beam flew a letter right into my left palm that was decorated with the seal of a koala.

    I slowly opened the letter, twiddling my fingernails around the thick paper. I got a papercut and bled but I bandaged myself up. Inside the letter was a letter from a man named Buster Moon and the letter said this:

To William Percheron (Who is very cool)

    I have listened to your album, "Salvators Revenge" and I must say I was stricken with an orgasm of emotions. I thought to myself that this would be the perfect soundtrack to my next play which I am planning to title "Bedtime Stories The Musical" based on Adam Sandler's hit film Bedtime Stories (''In the Sing universe Adam Sandler is a camel"). We would give you a fair share of animal currency if you were to come and share your music with our world. 

                            -Sincerely Buster Moon

    Believe me when I say that I had never been more excited. THE Buster Moon from the Sing duology of movies had asked me to be in his play. When it comes to plays I am a player and I can play many roles. I immediately hopped into the now working portal device and it felt like a black hole or a portkey as I shifted and Shafted my way through teleportation.

    When I woke up I found myself in a park, surrounded by animal things but I looked at my hand and I was still human, how weird. An elephant walked up to me and said, ew, what animal are you and I responded I am a sapien and they said oh okay and walked away. Even though I wasn't an animal, my phone had turned into an animal phone which had the app animal google maps on it which I inputted the address to buster moon's theater. First however, I stopped for a delicious lunch.

    The food I had was a big burger but it was beyond meat so I threw it away because it was gross and repugnant. The lunch wasn't all bad though because I saw a face that was slightly familiar. It was a big white whale and even though they were a different form than I recognized, I could still make it out to be the animal counterpart of my best bud Steele.

    "Hi Steele" I said to my best bud Steele. "How do you know my name?" asked Steele. "Because you are my best friend in the human world" I said. "Oh okay" said Steele and he instantly became my best animal bud.

    "Where are you off to?" asked Steele as I began getting up to go to the theater. "I'm going to Buster Moon's theater. He said he liked my album and wanted it in his Bedtime Stories play." "Oh awesome, I love Adam Sandler," said Steele. So Steele came with me. He was in a big water tank because he was on land and would die otherwise. I didn't know my directions because in the Sing universe, instead of left and right, they had herb and carn and it was confusing so Steele helped me out. Soon we arrived at Busters theater. I felt the doorknob and it felt like the future of my life. I licked it with my non-animal tongue, feeling the future. The future of my life began today and there was no past to be remembered.

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