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Jaeyun is so amazing if you ask me. He's so natural when he tried to imitate how I walk, how I talk and I even my poise.

But on the other hand, I just can't get how he talks tho, because I never have spoken so freely in my life and he's a free spirit, he will say what he wanted and I don't know if my brain is fast enough to process that.

I also had a hard time learning his and Riki's hand shake which is a total choreography. He showed me photos of Riki and Heeseung telling me how they're the only family he had and it honestly made me feel bad and to think that I might actually place him in trouble.

But my determination to be free is overpowering it. This is my chance to go out, to not wear sunglasses or masks. This is my chance to go out without any body guard. In return, I will make sure, Heeseung and Riki will have the best Christmas ever and if it happens that Jaeyun can win the baking competition or even if he will not, I will make sure that his cafe will not go unknown to the world. I can tell how he's a talented baker because he is invited without him sending anything.

I learned Riki's big dream to be in the military or army someday and if they will allow, I can give Riki the scholarship to study here where military is superior than anywhere else. If Riki finished his studies here, he won't have a hard time finding a job all around the world.

I, in return showed him who is who in the palace, Prince Sunghoon, his brother Prince Sunoo, the king and queen, his own security guard, K, and the other personalities I managed to meet.

We exchanged numbers and even phone cases to disguise our own phones.

I wore his clothes and it felt different tho, it felt amazing actually because I look amazing.

Just as I'm about to sneak out the backdoor, we heard a knock

"Who is it?"

"It's Sunghoon, I hope I'm not interrupting anything"

Oh shoot.

"I thought he's not here"

"I thought so too. . here, wear the ring quick"

I gave him the engagement ring before I hid under the bed, classic hiding spot if you ask me.

The good thing tho is Sunghoon and I never really had the pleasure to spend time with each other because of his priorities as a prince and because I was just asked to stay in the palace, I never had the chance to have any interaction with him except our first meeting.

We dont know each other personally and we are still in the process of knowing each other but I just feel like it's too soon. I mean,once we got married, we have all the time. And this time, I want to learn about this place first.

Jaeyun is doing a great job imitating me and Sunghoon doesn't seem to notice. He even seem to enjoy their conversation. This will go nicely.


I exit the palace and immediately ran to the gates. When I got out, I rode a taxi to where the soldier exhibition will take place. The exhibition is according to K is just some of the royal knights, guards and warriors  marching and showing the audience some of their basic trainings.

I went to the person in charge as I introduced myself as Sim Jaeyun, one of the participants of the baking contest. However, what I didnt expect is for the person in charge to ask for my ID, or more like Jaeyun's ID.

I thought I just need to buy some pass.

I scrambled through his bag and thanked the heavens for his passport and a government ID.

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