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After we returned from Zeviera, it is gloomy as heck. I mean, everything is just not falling in the right place. Apart from the fact that all of us is going through something in our minds and in our hearts, is not helping at all.

We all don't want to bother one another and it is becoming very unusual already. . . I can't help but just sit there and just stare because even I know nothing in how to make us all feel better. I don't even know how to feel better after that encounter in Zeviera.

But I know we still need to move forward. Riki still have school and I still have the cafe to run. I should also reconsider finding other jobs to do like applying part time. Nah, the cafe is tiring enough. Plus, I want to really be busy.

So currently, I am closing up the cafe after a long day of service. I went back to my apartment which is still the same shared apartment with Heeseung and Riki. When I got there tho, I saw Riki doing his homework in the living room while I hear Heeseung from the kitchen cooking us dinner.

I went to the bathroom to wash up and change into some home clothes and when I stepped out the bathroom, the news on the TV shocked me.

"Could ZEVIERA be under attack?"

The news stated how the kingdom suddenly shuts down flights inside the kingdom. Flights outside the country also was immediately done in a rush and according to the news, tourists in the kingdom at that time were forced to leave earlier than planned before the kingdom was in a complete shutdown again with no news to the outside world.

They're suspecting that the kingdom could be under attack from other forces.

Then, a news that Zequiero was actually almost attacked. The tension in the room was over the roof as the three of us held our breaths with our hands a few seconds to reaching our phones and call people in the kingdom.

I however can't hold it in anymore and grabbed my phone before I dialed Jake's number.


"Hey . . what's up?"

"How is everything going in there and with your kingdom?"

"What? Everything's fine . . . we're fine"

"Your voice is shaking and I can hear people in the background to know you're in a hospital. . ."

"Jaeyun nothing to worry here . . . why did you call?"

"I saw the news . . . is Zeviera and Zequiero under attack? Is everyone alright? What's going on?"

"Do you know Segovia?"

"Yeah . . I read about it once when Heeseung looked it up. . ."

"The king planned to bring it up again to its power. . . it seems like a red flag for other powerful kingdoms so they would prevent it from happening. . . My kingdom is fine . . but Jaeyun. . . the wedding will proceed after Sunghoon is out the hospital"

"What? . . . what happened to him?"

"Well . . . don't be in panic but . . he was almost killed .  . he fainted when he was brought here and a nurse tried to kill him. . . he's fine tho. . . they said he will wake up soon . . ."

My knees weaken and I collapse on the floor with my whole body shaking non stop.

"Jake . . . do whatever it takes. . I don't care . . do whatever it takes to be safe . . please . . don't think about us. .. We want you to be safe Jake . . . please . ."

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