<1> ~^mary's pov^~

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It was everything I could've wanted. 

I had a lovely family, had a job lined up for me, and was destined to go to a school for nursing. I had a wonderful sister who'd help our mother clean our home for our father's guests. My father would often help us with my studies while I'd help him put together the newest figurines for his collection.

We lived in a small home, only one story with one bedroom, a bathroom, living room, and kitchen but we didn't need much anyway. I would often look from our bedroom's porch out into the woods. Before nightfall, someone would go outside and light a candle in front of the house to show people others lived here and you could seek refuge here. All of our neighbors did it but we did it on both sides of the house.

Our neighbors weren't close and my father often stayed at work for the whole week while my mother and sister tended to the couch. I'd also be away at school, only visiting every other weekend. The neighbors often brought me gifts when I returned from school and I always was sure to check up on them on my walk back.

My school was 2 towns over and was a half a day's trek if I was fast. My father's work was only a town away. We lived in the forest and I didn't consider it a town. 

The school I went to was one of the best schools in the nation. I had many friends and was honestly one of the more popular people in school. When I'd leave for school when I'd go from home id take money with me to pay for food and other things around the campus. 

On our campus we had a store and to treat me; I bought myself a sketchbook. I only used it after school or on breaks and when I did, no one was around. I felt like I was kind of self-conscious about it in a way. I had never really thought about drawing before, but when I did, it was a nice escape.

"Hey! Mary!" a classmate shouted as she ran up to me. We spoke pretty often. Her name was Mimi and she always had her hair in twin tails tied with bows. "Wanna go shopping this week?" 

"Sorry Mimi, I need to visit family and I'm running low on money... maybe next weekend," I replied with a smile. I picked up my book from my desk and adjusted my skirt. Our uniforms were just a black skirt, a white collared shirt, dress shoes, and a black blazer. Most wore theirs with a tie or a bow while I wore mine just plain.

"Oh, I get it. Have you heard the news? They're letting students run for student council again!" I walked to the door, her close behind me, and slid open the door to the empty hallway, pushing my long black hair behind my ear. 

"I haven't... were you thinking of running?" I asked as we walked to the first level. The sun was still pretty high in the sky meaning I could make it by dusk if I left soon.

"I thought you might run! You're like the most perfect girl for it after all." I giggled as I opened my locker to put my things away. "Seriously! You could pull anything off! I'd vote for you!"

"I wouldn't even have a campaign and I'd need one to be in the runnings!" I shut my locker and we walked to hers which wasn't much farther than mine. "I'll just let the boys win again..."

She'd continue to argue, "I'm sure you'd think of something. The campaigns don't start till next week so when you walk back, maybe you could think about it!" She placed her shoes inside and switch them out. I lead her outside, back to my dormitory.

"I'll consider it. I need to get going. There's no way I'm going to be back before dusk if I don't leave soon." We both said our goodbyes and I sped-walked back to my dormitory to grab my bag.

My bag was already packed as I usually packed it before I left for classes/ It only really had a day's worth of clothing and money in it. As soon as I put it on and replaced my shoes with something comfortable, I left. 

It seemed as if my walk was slower than usual and I had reached the town nearest my home when the sun began to touch the horizon. Although when I walked through town, it seemed a tad bit empty. However, that only made me walk faster.

There were rumors of demons from Reighn or Sienna but I had never realized they may have been this close. But those are only rumors, right? None of my friends have ever seen one so they must be just myths. Maybe the people are inside because it's already dinner time! There may have been a good harvest of rice today.

By the time I had gotten to the house, the sun had set entirely. I didn't notice either of the candles on so I immediately got concerned. 

"Mother? Tina?" I called into the door. I slid it open slowly and it was all dark. I fumbled for a match and lit any of the candles around it. "Hah... did you forget I was coming home today?" I searched around for a note but there was nothing to be found. "Maybe they've just gone to find berries. 

I walked to the bedroom to set my things down but felt something wrong. Something was telling me not to open the door. But this was my home, no one is here. I just need to tell myself that no one is here. I'll do it on the count of three. 




I shoved the door open and there was nothing there. Just the beds all splayed out as if no one had put them away.

"Oh! That gave me a heart attack... they should be home soon so I'll just light the candle in the back..." I muttered to myself as I set my bag down near the door and approached the back door. 

As soon as I opened it, I noticed a large puddle of blood on our wooden porch. 

Something had died here. 

Not too far in the distance, was a body.

Someone had died here.

I screamed so loudly my lungs gave out. I didn't know who it was but I prayed it wasn't my family. I stumbled backward and fell. 

There were footsteps on the wood porch.

"Another one..?" a voice growled. It was the type of voice you'd never want to hear. "You seem awfully young and beautiful... I think you'd be so tasty..." I screamed again, calling and pleading. "I'll take you apart one by one... piece by piece."

Whatever it was, showed itself. 

It was a monster. It was so horrible. Blood coated its feet and mouth and horns protruded from its head.

"I think I'll start with your eyes..." it spoke as it reached for me. I tried to back up but I ended up being pinned against the wall. Its claws reached for my eyes and I felt a stab and one of the eyes were ripped from my skull. 

It was like a headache but it was wet and so deafening to the point where I couldn't even believe I was still alive. Then went the second. I couldn't do anything but scream and shake. My vision was completely gone, everything was black.

"Let us do that tongue ne-" it was cut off but I couldn't stop making noises.

I heard a boy's voice through my screaming, "Help will be here soon... let me use this..." Through the pain, I felt my head lift, and something was wrapped around my head. Soon after that, I passed out from the pain. 

It felt like I had died.


imagine if this was it. i just left you like this lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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