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Max's POV (present)

          I was scared and anxious, Will was really the only one keeping me grounded today. Who knew what would happen they could laugh at me, or not like me, or think Im ugly anything was possible today. I pushed the locker room door open with my one arm and it was quiet, everyone froze as if they were statues, all eyes glued to me. As fast as I could I walked to the locker with my number on it and opened it seeing the clothes Will had spoke about. Getting changed I self-consciously looked around the room my eyes landing on one in particular, Jane. Zoning out I could only think of me plunging down on the hard concrete from colliding with her. My mind started to run free contemplating all the poor things that occurred in such a short amount of time.

"EW STOP STARING YOU PERVERT!" I was brought back to my reality and everyone was looking at me whispering, laughing, sending glares.

"What?" I asked after seeing their faces

"You know what, you were staring at Jane while she got changed" A short blonde yelled at me in disgust

          I turned back around as the rest of the girls rushed to put on their clothes slowly moving until I was the only person in that corner.

"I had zoned out, it was an accident I hadn't meant to stare I swear" I said with all honesty I wasn't looking on purpose

"yeah right, god thats disgusting, you were probably so excited for Gym" One started

"Excited to see a bunch of girls naked right?" Another laughed

          I could overhear talking in the gym signifying that the boys were already out of their locker room playing around as an alternative for waiting on us.

"Lets go guys so we can leave this fucking dyke" One of Janes acquaintances said opening the door for the rest to leave

Will's POV (past)

          I was a bit scared leaving Max alone she was already getting made fun of when we visited the Math class, and it was worse because Jane was the one taunting her. Jane the "popular" girl she was perfect and everyone loved her ever since middle school she turned into a bitch and I can't let Max start at her new school being rivals with her. Lucas and I walked to the boys locker room and opened the door.

"Hey what's up queer want these?"

          I turned around to have a cloth thrown on top my face, removing it from myself.

Oh you've got to be kidding me

"Troy that is disgusting!"

"Yeah Troy keep your panties on" Lucas scoffed walking to his locker

          Quickly getting dressed we walked out of the locker room entering the gym, none of the girls were there yet.

"Come on boys stretch while we wait!" Mrs. Turner our gym teacher advised us

          I started to hear noice from the girls room get slightly louder, I turned to Lucas.

"Hey do you hear that? coming from the girls room" I asked

"Yeah, but girls are crazy it happens" He laughed at himself

God damnit Max stay out of trouble

Max's POV (present)

          I was left in the locker room alone, no one felt bad, no one cared. I began to get dressed part of me a little glad everyone left, no one would see or ask about the discolored marks on my back and stomach that obviously were not from natural causes, they were made by a human a regular old guy that was full of flesh and bones just like the rest of us but of course he never thought of other people seeing them. I finished changing and left the room keeping my head down.

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