»»-Chapter 1-««

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I bolt upright at the piercing sound of the bell, my eyes adjusting to the blinding light surrounding me. I could hear laughs from groups of girls leaving the classroom and began collecting my things.
"Nice of you to join us Stephanie" shit. It was Mr Bellend himself (that wasn't actually his name but it might as well have been)
"Sorry sir, won't happen again!" I quickly said before grabbing my bag and practically running out of the classroom, rounding the corner and almost slamming face first into a group of boys all gathered around a locker, joking. I pushed my way through and bolted through the entrance of the school, to the bus stop. Just in time. Thank God. He would've killed me if I was late again.

Once seated and comfortable on the bus, I shoved my headphones into my ears. Okay technically they weren't mine, I had picked them up off the ground earlier this week and now I'd claimed them as my own. I would've loved to blast some music into my ears but thanks to my incredible uncle... who am I kidding? My uncle is a shit bag. He won't buy me a phone cause he's too busy buying booze and drinking the day away. He's never home and when he is I have to barricade myself in my room out of pure fear. So now I'm sat on this bus, by myself with headphones that aren't mine, shoved into my pocket. Nobody will know they aren't plugged in, they'll leave me alone. Not that anyone usually talks to me anyway.

The bus ride was uneventful and the walk home was even more so. Everything the same as it always was, the rain pouring just as hard as every other day, plastering flyers on every surface, bright reds and yellows melted together as the paper turned to mush and the word 'circus' became too distorted to be legible. The women were wearing the same black skirts and white blouses as they always did, the men dressed in dark suits and I was in just as big a rush as always. I practically fell through the door, making it home minutes before 4. Safe... for now.
"You're late" My uncle slurred, sat on the same couch as always.
"No I'm not, it's not 4" I replied, quickly moving through the small apartment towards my room.
"DON'T YOU GO ANSWERING BACK TO ME MISS" he yelled, attempting to pull himself off the couch and after me. I managed to shut my door seconds before he caught up, I pulled my dresser in front of the door and waited for him to calm down... this was going to be a long night.
I had been in my room for hours and I was bored. And hungry. And bored. And thirsty. And I was so very bored. I began counting squares in my room; the square of the window, the square of the picture frame, each individual square on my skirts and shirts and dresses and so on. But I couldn't leave my room. He was still out there. The occasional bang on the door reminded me every so often that he was, in fact, still there. So I did what any reasonable person who was bored locked inside their bedroom would do. I climbed out the window. Now the apartment building isn't that large but it was still a decent way in the air and I didn't want to fall and die. So I stood on the ledge, holding on for dear life, figuring out a way down.
My uncle throwing himself against the door.
He threw himself against the door again, moving the dresser slightly.
The door opened a crack, I turned to look and was met with one of my uncle's eyes meeting mine.
He was going to be in my room in a matter of seconds at this rate, I had to think quick. I lived in the city, obviously, so there were houses surrounding us, but nothing to climb onto. Shit shit shit. I grabbed my bag from the bed beside me, making sure I had my purse with the little money I had saved inside before standing back on the ledge, looking back down.
I jumped.

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