Chapter 4 - Target Secured

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And soft.

Warm and soft.

I took a long inhale, letting out a longer exhale.

My bed was great, Mama used to change the sheets for me once a week to keep it fresh and clean when I was little. She showed me later in life how to do it myself, it took a couple times until I got the hang of it, and she taught me many other useful things as well.

I rubbed my face into the fluffy pillow, the fur brushing against me-

Wait, fur?

I opened my eyes, my joyful expression faltered; was the pillow torn? If that was the case, the feathers would've prickled me. I could also hear a heart beat coming from said pillow.

I tried moving my head around, but there were two balloons on each side of my face.

The wolf held me tighter, nuzzling into me in her sleep.


I broke into the coldest sweat in my life, how in the- NO! BAD! STAY DOWN! Damn you, morning wood!

My heart raced faster and faster as the pieces fell into place, why did I agree to this- right, I lost a deal I made with the intention of messing with her. Absolute smooth brain moment.

If she could see my face right now, all she'd see is a tomato with two eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears. I was the most embarrassed I'd ever been in my entire life, and you know what's the worst part? It felt good!

Why god? Why must you do this to me? Huh? Because I dissed that you one time when a pigeon pooped on the seat of my bike? You jerk.

I knew there was no way I could get out of this, I'd have to endure this cruel torture as long as she snored away.

Before I could attempt falling back to sleep, she yawned above my head, squeezing me with a happy hum.

"Hmhm mhmh," I told her, the fur on her chest muffling my humble request to be freed from her Alcatraz. She giggled and continued holding me.

"Mhmh, mhmhmh," she giggled again along with that I imagined was a moan. Definitely imagined, yup, don't even think about it.

"That tickled~ Do it again," why couldn't I wake up after her?

I obliged, retelling her the first time I went to the grocery store by myself. We laid there for an unknown amount of time, she was enjoying it way more than I did, but... I didn't dislike it.

"I love you so much~"

"M-mhm?" I heard that! I fucking heard that! I take back what I said, we have officially entered the friendzone's inbred cousin; the weird zone.

"I'm going to get us breakfast, okay? You'll stay here, right~?" I nodded into her soft chest, I could use some food right about now, but I'll never admit that out loud.

The cheese puffs were fire, but I needed something with actual nutritional value in my belly.

She kissed my forehead, caressing the back of my head as well, her sharp nails dragging against my scalp. "Good boy~" And with that, she pushed herself away from me, granting me some liberty and air. The bed creaked as she got off, followed by a click and a sudden light that blinded me.

 The bed creaked as she got off, followed by a click and a sudden light that blinded me

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