Mr. Badboy meets Ms.Nerd

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Emily's POV

I don't what's up with hunter now. He was so nice to me yesterday but today , he was so silent and didn't even talk much to me.

I was currently sitting in the 4th period's class which was English.
Our English teacher Mrs Luna Tanner was teaching us about the chapter on werewolves. I mean who doesn't like werewolves and vampires . They are so interesting.
Best thing about them is that they don't sleep and BLOODDDDD. That irrestable thing. My grandmother died because of blood cancer. If she had like 1% of that red liquid, she could be saved.
But I guess god wanted me to be independent. Really independent.
Then the bell rang
" children go home and do the homework and read this chapter. We'll complete it in the next class" Mrs. Luna said.
Everybody ran out of the class.
It was break.
I don't know where is hunter. He must be in the cafeteria.
I went towards my locker.
I opened it and took the books for the 5th period.
I already took them because I don't want to come here again and again as max Collins always comes here . And u know....
I went to the cafeteria. But there wasn't any sight of hunter over there. So I went to the lab etc etc etc or should i say I searched the entire school but I couldn't find him.
Then I remembered that he goes to play football in the boy's hostel's play ground.
But that place . I don't like it.
Come on Emily you can do it .
So I started to walk towards the boy's hostel .
When I reached there thank god nobody was there . Oh yeah they have a march today . With the principal.
I went to the play ground.
There was nobody in there. Then I saw hunter sitting at the corner of the net.
I went there.
" hey " I said.
" hey yourself" he said rudely.
" what happened you weren't in the cafeteria in the break" I asked slowly.
" why can't I stay alone for some time, do I have to tell everything to you." He said angrily.
" listen I was just worried-"
" no need to be worried for me. You'll worry yourself Emily . I can take care of myself . Please go from here" he screamed on my face.
"What's there to be so angry about it " I asked angrily.
" listen I just helped you yesterday because you were hurt so now just stay away from my life and don't stick to me NOW GO FROM HERE" he screamed.
Tears were trying to pop out of my eyes but I had to be strong. If hunter wanted me to go out of his life then its his choice.
Nobody even wants me .
" fine from now I'll never trouble you" I said slowly and marched out of the playground .

Sad chapter . I know .
Why do you think hunter did this?
Anyyy guesses

Mr. BADBOY meets Ms NERDWhere stories live. Discover now