Chapter 9

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The next morning I made my way to Taehyung's place early at 9 in the morning. What a great thing to do to start off my day on a Saturday.

Lucky our homes were not that much of a distance. But I still couldn't believe he lives in such a gorgeous place, he's rich and I never knew that.

It took me quite some time to find his house because I was almost lost in the middle of the big houses. I walked straight until I saw the familiar white rooftop and the same blue Maserati parked infront of the house.

I rang the bell and yelled his name a few times but the gate didn't open. Frustrated, I looked to my left and right and around me. There was no one looking. I carefully climbed up the gate and to the other side, just hoping no CCTVs caught that.

I ran up to the door and knocked it several times. "KIM TAEHYUNG OPEN THE DOOR BEFORE I- ohmigosh!"

The door opened and I saw a half naked Taehyung with just his pyjama pants on. His hair was messy and his eyes were only half opened. Clearly, he just woke up.

Seeing the horrible sight, I covered my eyes and turned away.

"What time is it now," he asked with his morning voice. Holy.

"9AM," I answered, "GET SOME CLOTHES ON."

I was still looking away when I was pulled into the house, then he slammed the door close. I gasped and pressed my back against the wall when he came close to me. I grabbed the umbrella nearby and tried to protect myself.

He sighed. "What are you doing here?"

I stayed silent because he was too close. He realised it and stood away in a safe distance.

"We're s-suppose to discuss about the H-Humanities project..." I stuttered while replying and slowly put the umbrella away.

He frowned but his eyes were still sleepy. "Whatever, come up."

"Can we just do the discussion at the living room?" I asked.
"Shut up I like my room better," he said and went up while I reluctantly followed him from behind.

His room was in a mess. His bed was like a snake habitat and clothes were strewn all over the floor.

But something caught my attention. There was a cute lion stuffed toy on his bed. Probably he hugged it to sleep. He was picking up his box of cigarettes while I secretly went up to his bed and picked up the soft toy.

"YAH DON'T TOUCH MR L-" He stopped me. Frowning, he dropped his box of cigarettes as he stomped towards me and snatched the soft toy away. "Mr Lion?" HAGGAGAHAHA! Bad Boy Taehyung hugs a soft toy to sleep. I chuckled so hard that I fell to the floor, still laughing.

"Yah! Is it a crime to hug a soft toy to sleep?!" He ranted.

His image right now, half naked with pyjama pants, messy hair and a beautiful morning voice. Seems manly, but the soft toy ruined it all.

After a good 6 minutes laughter, I stopped but was still trying my best to hold it in because Taehyung was sitting on his bed, hugging his lion stuffed toy while pouting.

"Alright little boy go wash up, we need to do some work," I said.
"Whatever, mom," he replied and went to the bathroom.

I went down to the kitchen and was bored. I decided to make some toasted bread and omelette since I haven't had a breakfast yet. Even so, Taehyung was still not done showering.

I put the plate of omelette and toast on the table and he finally came down wearing a plain white shirt and a new pair of pyjama pants with banana prints on it. Him being at home is a big contrast with him being at school.

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