Chapter 16

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After break, the day continued as usual. But then, I realised I got closer to Seojun. Since he doesn't really understands Korean, I had to translate some things the teacher said and converse with him in English. It was a good thing that I knew English because I used to have English tuition classes my parents sent me to.


The dismissal bell rang and school was finally over. I packed my stuff quickly and couldn't wait to get home.

I was about to walk out of the class with everyone else when someone stopped me.

"Hey Hyejin," Seojun called me.
"You wanna go for lunch together?" He asked.

I realised I forgot to take my pocket money from my mom that morning because I was rushing out to Taehyung's place.

"Nahh... I forgot to take my daily allowance. Maybe another time," I said and turned to continue walking.

Seojun walked beside me. "Well I can treat you?"

"Anniyo, I-"
"Ah c'mon let's go!" He said and grabbed my hand, rushing out of the school.

With his hand still holding onto mine, he asked me, "Where do you wanna eat?"

"Uhh... anywhere," I replied and slowly pulled my hand away from his.

"Oh, sorry," he said and smiled sheepishly.

We ended up eating at a food court. I ordered some cold noodles while he ordered spicy tofu with rice.

We settled down at a vacant seat, and started eating because we were hungry since we haven't ate during break.

I was slurping on my noodles when suddenly, Seojun looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

He looked at the corner of my mouth. "Something's, like there, that side," He said and I tried to wipe it off. He took a napkin and finally cleaned my mouth for me. I became embarrassed and instantly looked down on my food, not able to look at him.

Suddenly, my phone beeped. A message on my kakaotalk. I opened it.

"Nice date you're having huh." -Taehyung

I looked around the food court, in search of him but he was nowhere to be seen.

"What's wrong?" Seojun asked.

I picked up my bag. "Um, Seojun, I have to go. I'll pay you tomorrow okay thanks," I said and rushed off.

I went outside of the food court and Taehyung was still yet to be seen.

"Where are you? Don't stalk me I hate people following my whereabouts!" -Hyejin

I did not receive any reply. I sighed and started walking home.

When I was halfway walking home, I suddenly felt someone following me. When I turned behind to see, there wasn't anyone.

I hastened my steps and was walking into the alley.

Suddenly, my body was pushed with great force and I was pinned against the wall.

I was about to scream but he used his palm and smacked my mouth shut. He had a serious expression on his face and he didn't blink as he stared into my eyes.

Then suddenly, his scowl changed into a cheerful expression and he gave me his box-smile, "Hello Pabo Jinnie."

Taehyung finally let me go and I breathed out heavily. "Yah! What was that for?!" I said and brushed the dust of my hands.

He put his hands in his pocket and shrugged. "A fun way to greet someone," he said and softly chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to disturb you," He scoffed.

"How typical of you, Kim Taehyung," I said, rolling my eyes and continued walking home when I realised he was following along.

"How was your date? You guys get pretty close really soon huh? Why did he touch your face? What did you guys eat? Did he treat you?" Taehyung attacked me with questions.

I stopped walking and turned to him. "Why are you asking me so much questions?"

"I just wanna know, for fun," he said.

"Are you jealous of me and Seojun? You like me don't you huh, Kim Taehyung," I teased and zapped him.

"Yah! Why would I like you. You're not even pretty or attractive to start with..." he said.

My smile slowly faded and I looked away, then I continued walking home, slowly.

He became blank for awhile at my reaction. "Yah, you're not hurt by what I just said, are you?"

"Anniya... I know I'm not pretty either so I don't really mind," I said and walked ahead.

I reached my home and Taehyung was still following me. I turned back to face him.

"Go home," I murmured.

"Why are you suddenly sad? You're hurt because I insulted you?" He asked.

"No..." I said and unlocked the door.

I went inside the house and was about to close the door when suddenly he stopped the door.

"Let me in," he said.

"No just go home," I said.

He pushed his way inside and plopped down on the sofa.

I sighed. There's no way of stopping this kid. Luckily my parents weren't home yet. I decided to just let him be and closed the door.

"Remove your shoes first, kid," I said and went to my room and he followed.

"Yah! I never said you can enter my room!" I shouted.

He ignored me because he was fascinated by the soft toys I have on the shelves. "It's a lion!" He exclaimed and showed the toy to me, like a kid.

I wanted to smile but I was still pretty mad at him for calling my ugly.

I sat at the edge of my bed and he stood infront of me. "Are you still mad?" He asked and tilted his head sideways.

I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms. "I don't know."

He suddenly pouted. I cringed because he has never shown me his cute side before. "Let me cheer you up!" He said.

"Yeahyeah whatever," I responded, not amused.

"This is cool! I promise!" he said and rolled up the sleeve on his right arm up to above his elbow, where it reveals 2 tiny moles. This alien, really.

"...You see I have two moles here right? When I pinch in between the moles, it becomes an elephant!" He said and showed it to me.

I was shocked, it really looked like an elephant it was pretty cute. He started making weird elephant noises and I couldn't help but chuckled at it.

He smiled.

Suddenly, we heard the door outside unlock. Shit.

Taehyung and I froze.

"Are your parents home?" Taehyung asked.


Author's Note ~

[If you cant picture Taehyung's elephant mole, do look at the picture I've added XD] Or you can try googling it heheh.

And thanks for those who have been reading 'Mr Arrogant'! :D

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