Chapter 23

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The next morning, everyone got up early about 6 and we went to wash up before preparing for the day.

I finished washing up and went back to my tent, realising I forgot something.

I needed to return Taehyung's jacket, but I didn't know how.

After much thinking, I folded the jacket neatly and went around searching for Jimin. I found Jimin in the corner of the field.

"Hey Jimin, can you help me return this to Taehyung?" I asked.

Jimin took the jacket and furrowed his eyebrows, "How come you have his jacket?"

I kept quiet. "Just return it to him okay, thanks," I said and walked off.


After breakfast, we all had a short break and then headed to the parade square which is by the field, and met Trainer Soohyun.

"Morning guys. Today, you will be playing a game of tag, you guys will be playing in the whole area of school, which means you can run about anywhere until you get caught, and you'll have to come to the 'jail' which is here, the parade square," Trainer Soohyun said, sounded pretty fun and everyone was kinda excited.

"6 of you will be the catchers. You'll be given a tube of paint and to catch someone, you'll have to leave a paint mark on the person's shirt. The rest of the 34 students, you are suppose to run around and avoid getting caught. No hiding in cubicles or locking yourself up in a room. Last man standing without any paint marks within an hour of the game will get to have a scrumptious meal for lunch, with the 6 catchers."

Everyone excitedly raised up their hands to volunteer to be the catcher since a great lunch set will be guaranteed. The ones chosen were Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jin and Yoongi.

The rest of us were told to get into the school building before the catchers did. 5 minutes later, the game started. Everyone dispersed in search for a good spot to hide.

I was with Seojun for the first 15 minutes, but I realised he's a fast runner. I decided to separate ways with him since I couldn't keep up with him.

I continued running around on the second floor, then I heard people yelling and there were fierce footsteps around, I decided to be safe and went up to the third floor.

There were for sure, one or two hiding in the art room, and I saw one hiding under the grand piano. I quickly walked farther away from that area, and to the storeroom AKA Taehyung's hideout.

I was about to enter it, but I hesitated. Taehyung shares this hideout with Jimin and Jungkook too, what if the catchers enter and see me here?

Suddenly, I heard someone yell, and I believed its on the same level as me. Not hesitating anymore, I quickly opened the door and entered the storeroom, breathing hard.

"Who are you?" A voice asked, startling me.

I wasn't really sure where the voice came from, but its a familiar voice.

The room was very dark, and I wasn't sure if I should stay inside or leave and sacrifice the scrumptious meal.

"I'm H-Hyejin," I introduced myself to the voice I didn't know whose, "And I'm here because, w-wait. You're just Taehyung right?"

I heard him heaved a sigh of relief. "It's just you. Don't turn on the lights, we might get caught. Why are you here too?"

"Because I have nowhere else to hide, I think Jimin's outside," I said, in search of Taehyung in the dark.

"Huh?! Jimin? He might get in here! Quickly hide somewhere you stupid rascal!" Taehyung shouted, whispering.

"I can't find anywhere to hide! This place is so small and you told me not to turn on the lights, it's pitch black here," I said, not able to see anything.

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