30. All Goofy.

378 21 5

Recap:- Krish went to India and then come back to Paris.


How cool it is, na?

My good luck! And bad luck at the same time!

In that envelope, she mentioned her love, that she wanted to start a relationship with me.

Besides, she mentioned every date, on which she felt like she was falling for me. But, stupid me. If I had known that this envelope is my lucky charm, then I would have opened it at that time.

And the most important thing is that she even wrote at last that, due to my furor on her because of Nithya, I won't touch her gift. Wow!! This means this girl knows me, more than myself.

Right now, I'm standing here, outside the Embassy to pick her up, to surprise her.

But, guess what she still doesn't know, that I went to India, last night.
Here, she comes in her formals with her other colleagues.


Yesterday, was so unfavorable to me. I wanted to confess to him, and instead stupid me! I messed up everything.

And that envelope. Dumb me, I mean don't you have any sense, Jahnvi he met you after a long time, and you messed up everything just because of that gift, you can take him other gifts.
Besides, it wasn't so special.

God, gave you your mouth na, so use that and say to him. Duffer!

I didn't talk to anyone, yesterday. Just came into my room silently, and kept thinking and thinking about my stupidity.

And where did he go, after that!! I know, it was my mistake, but he should have at least talked to me. I don't have the familiarity to handle his anger.

I came out of my thoughts when I saw him near a car.

From where did he own this car, in Paris? He doesn't even live here!

I quickly went in front of him. I can sense he was upset with me and out of curiosity, I asked him.

"Are you okay, Krish? Where did you go after yesterday? See, I know I shouldn't have fought with you just because of such a minor reason. But, I'm... I'm sorry, Krish! I know we met after so long time and I messed up"

He looked at me with a small smile adorning his lips and tucked his hands in his jeans.

What is getting in his mind?
Is he still mad at me for yesterday?

Ignoring my apology, he simply said with a smile, "Finally, you can pronounce my name, correctly!"

"Huh!.. W.. What? Oh. Name that I pronounce a long ago. Kish" I disparaged.

He took the working bag from my shoulder and asked me to get in the car.

"I can't come. I mean! My friends are there. Quotidian, we all go along at our apartments!"

He placed my working bag on the back seat and asked Rebecca, who just stopped behind me a sec before.

"You're her friend, right? Rebecca!", he asked her.


He's different today.
I mean, he's behaving differently, I mean not as usual.
His nature is different from mine, today. Is that because of yesterday?
And, how on earth, he got to know my friend's name!

Rebecca answered hesitantly,
"Yeah, we work together!"

"Good! You both live in the same building?!"
He again inquired.

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