chapter 14

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Next morning
Y/n's pov

I wake up hearing sound of knock on the door
i look beside and found taehyung
was alredy awake
He went towards door & open it

Taehyung : pihu

Pihu : good morning jiju. Is di is awake ?

She said greating him morning and ask about me
I get up from my bed.

Y/n : yes what took you here in early morning

I said and went toward them

Pihu : actually di , aunty (mrs Oberoi) send this saree for you and told you to wear it come downstairs

She said handaling me the saree and i nodded

Y/n : ok

Pihu : okay then bye , bye jiju

She went from there and he close the door

Y/n : I am going to took shower first, you wait here

I said and he nodded

After half an hour
Taehyung's pov

bathroom door open reaveling y/n and my eyes stuck on her.
Wait hair , red saree, reaveling preety waist and kissable lips with angelic face
She was looking hot
I gulp a lump in my throat look away from her. Only i know how i am controlling myself

Y/n : you can take shower now

Y/n : you can take shower now

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your saree

She said i come out from my thoughts and quickly went in bathroom not wanting to lose my control
After 20 min i come out from bathroom. I saw y/n was trying to tie the knot of her blouse but she can't able to tie it properly
I sign and speak

Taehyung : may I help

I said and she look towards me but immediately turn back

Y/n : WTH , how can you come infront of a girl only on towel

Taehyung : the girl is wife

Y/n : but why aren't you wearing your clothes ?

Taehyung : actually i forget to bring my clothes from guest room as yesterday I slept on my sherwani's kurta i totally forget about clothes

Y/n : so now ?

She ask still not facing me and i slowly take steps near her and said

Taehyung : will you please bring me my clothes from guestroom

Y/n : ok just wait hera

She said and turn around only to get bump on my hard chest

Before she could say anything i said

Taehyung: are you going out like this , without tieing your knot

Y/n : huh

She said being confused and i sign and pull her towards me with her waist and her hand automatically rested on my chest

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