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What a perfect time.....

He mumble against his lips as he saw a car entering in the mansion as the small smirk was alredy on his face....

Taehyung : let's go angel now it's time to annoy your uncle.....

He said as she giggled making him look at her amuse she really understand him....

He open the door of their room without knocking only to regret on his timing

Not really

Seeing the newly weds inappropriate position he immediately closed his eyes before hiding his angle's eyes by his hand.....   the newly weeded couple who just got startled by his sudden appearance.....  Immediately correct their position.....

Trusfrated is the only word would describe the expression of newly married man jungkook while his wife was shy....

Taehyung : oh holy sh*t , my angle's virgin eyes..

He said only to get mock my his younger brother...
He surely disturbed the couple who were just two weeks married and tomorrow they even had a flight for there honeymoon..  

Jungkook : Hyung, there is something we called knock.... use it before entering in someone's room

He said sarcastically making the elder one roll his eyes...

Taehyung : and there is something we called lock... Use it before doing your romance...

He said mocking the younger one

Umm I heard it before, but where ?

Pihu : jiju , do you want something.- i mean you here at this time...

Taehyung : yeah... If you guys don't have any problem can angel sleep here tonight....

He ask while the couple had a teasing smirk.... 

Jungkook : sure Hyung , angel can stay here tonight.... But make sure not to make any sound...

He said taking the beautiful giggling angel in his arms....   While taehyung kiss her forehead before leaving their room... Not forgetting to roll his eyes on Jungkook'd comment


You enter in your room taking a hot shower wearing a cute oversized hudi only to get pin against the wall as your husband seems to have some sinful planes...  He slowly started to plant sweet kisses on your jaw follow by neck making you close your eyes in heavenly pleasure....

Taehyung : i told you to not to wear my clothes.. mrs Kim

He said against your lips as you look up baiting your lower lip unintentionally only to make more hard for him....

Taehyung : Don't, they are mine to biet....

He said as the next movement your were memorised by his toung technology... you wrap your arms around his neck  feeling breathless under him... As his dominating side always make your knee weaks

Breaking the kiss he look at you às you were totally mess..

A beautiful mess

He pick you up without separating his lips with your's.. as in few seconds you found yourself on your bed with him above you... He was about to kiss you but stop by the soft little wall as you placed your hands on his mouth making him frown...

Y/n : where is Taevi ?

You said as he peck your hands before answering

Taehyung : with her uncle and aunt...

Y/n : i told you not to distur-

The word disappear from your mouth as he immediately take you in a hungry beast full kiss as you were really testing his patience....
You kiss him back knowing he is not goona to stop... He was alredy carving for you and same goes for you too as it's been days you both were physically attach..  he parted away making you pout.. he smirk before seducing tracing your lips on your clevage area as you try hard to control your moans...

Taehyung : you look delicious darling.... 

The slow whisper like sentence in deep and husky voice hit your  nerves as you just wanted to give this night to your husband... The new delicious word surely caught your attention making your toes curled up... As lastly your clothes ended up on floor...


You wake up hearing the soft giggles as you turn towards the direction only to find your angel and husband.... He was making weird faces while she was laughing... so immerse in playing with eachother... It's feels so complete and all thanks to him

What can you ask for god as he alredy gives you the precious gem....  

It really amuse as having a arrange marriage you both still  write a good lovestory in the book of your density....
Everything is beautiful the first meeting, the marriage function...., The first morning after marriage..,  The coffee incident and then your first unsuccessful date which resulted into unplanned romance... His confessions between the bomb disposal... , His long mission... And then Your angel...  Who unknowingly make your love stronger , day shorter , night longer and home happier...

...... The end ✿⁠ ⁠♡.

Hope you guys enjoy this story

I am finally ending this here...
Although this chapter was part of previous chapter which i completed now.. 

Lots of loves and thank you for supporting this story... It's my first story which i write and it's also improve my writing skills...

And thanks for your comments they really encourage  me to  write 🦋

And thanks for your comments they really encourage  me to  write 🦋

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