Chapter three: Shimmerpelt finds a fox named Red

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Shimmerpelt ran as fast as she could. Starpuddle finally got her grip and she clawed him, giving him a harsh eye scar.  He growled. And then a figure emerged from the mist.

Its claws gleamed. And then Shimmerpelt saw Starpuddle yelped and got off of her, hiding to a cave. Shimmerpelt growled. 'How dare you enter my territory pesky warrior cats!' The fox growled. 'I am Red, and i see you are fighting so i will KILL YOU!' screamed the fox, Red. Shimmerpelt snarled. Red snarled back, and Starpuddle kept shifting in the cave with fear. Then Red lunged for Shimmerpelt's throat. Starpuddle ran to the back of the cave. Mouse-brain! Thought Shimmerpelt gingerly. Red clawed at her, and Shimmerpelt held his throat. But she was not at all as big as a Red. 

Red held her and smashed her into the cave wall. Shimmerpelt yelped and lay there, unconscious. Starpuddle saw Red coming into the cave with a limp Shimmerpelt and quickly ran out of the cave, toward the war. He went to the Mist Clan leader. 'Yes?' The leader asked. Starpuddle panted. 'Shimmerpelt - she's dead!'

The leader gasped. 'She isn't!' He gasped out. Starpuddle shook his head and Lakestar clawed at him. 'Hey, hey! What are you doing?!' Starpuddle meowed. 'YOU KILLED HER! I SAW YOU, YOU WERE FIGHTING HER!' Lakestar mewed harshly. 'No I didn't! Red the fox did it!' Mewed Starpuddle, choking from  the grip of Lakestar. Lakestar gapped and released his claws from Starpuddle's throat and Starpuddle touched his neck gingerly. 'A fox? We need to see this!' Lakestar growled. Starpuddle nodded quickly. 'Gather Amberpaw, Riverfall and Finchwing for this patrol. We will find Red and kill him.' Lakestar ordered. Starpuddle gulped and nodded. 

They were on their journey for Shimmerpelt.

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