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I met Luke's family he has 5 siblings and he's the youngest. The oldest one being about 37 she has a daughter that's 20. Luke has two nieces and 3 nephews . The other ones are younger than that. The 20 year old is the one that gave Luke the dinosaur tattoo.

His family is so nice and fun, like they had a huge party when I came. You know me I love a good party. Luke has one sister and 4 brothers. The oldest one is the 37 year old, the other siblings are younger than 35 but older than 27.

The mom looks so young even though she's in her 50s. Two brothers are in Puerto Rico , they move back there. Luke was born here in the states compared to the rest of the family. His dad being Italian , funny thing is he can't speak Italian or Spanish fluently. He somewhat understands Spanish more than Italian.

His mom asks if he's ever going to have kids. He's the only one with no kids, his eyes grew when she asked that, I laughed at him. He started shaking his head really fast , not wanting to have kids right now.

G U Y 's N I G H T

Tonight the guys are going out to have fun, don't know what fun. We are over at Fatima's house , having our fun time.

It's Fatima, Jade, Alisha, Jimena, Sasha and myself here.

With Luke it's Logan , Miles, Sangwoo, Tomas , Charlie , Anthony, and Elijah.

They heading to a club, they laugh because Luke is all clueless. Logan laughs as they pull up to the front. Luke looks at the building shaking his head.

"Nope Nope!" Luke says shouting , Miles drags him out of the car.

They pull him into the strip club, Anthony is already dancing while walking in.

"No no , I have a girlfriend" Luke says pushes this girl away from him. He walks beside Miles to go sit down. The worst thing he could do is sit down on the couches with his friends right now. A dancer comes to them, one comes to Luke. His eyes go huge, he try's pushing the girl away but she sits on him dancing.

He turns his head not looking at her and not wanting to be here. She essentially giving him a lap dance and he wasn't haven't it. His friends were laughing at him, the girls runs her hands down his body , he smacks her hands away.

"Go to him" Luke says to her trying to get her off of him. He rather this be me doing this than some random girl. The girl walks to Logan who puts his hands up.

"Noooo!" He says screaming, Miles laughs so hard.

The dancers leaves them and Luke glares at Miles. Sangwoo laughs at Luke's face.

"What you think the girls are doing?" Elijah says to the group.

"They have a male stripper there" sangwoo says on his phone.

Luke eyes widened, he goes to sangwoo looking at his phone.

"Oh my gosh!" Luke shouts.

"Fatima said something about"

"Fatima!" Logan says shaking his head.

"We gotta go there" Logan says and Luke nods his head.

"Bruh it's Imani!" sangwoo says laughing. The video shows the guy dancing with the girls and me hyping him up.

Luke and Logan run out of the club.

They jump in the car the guys run out there too running to their cars. Logan starts the car, Luke is in the front, Sangwoo and Miles are in the back.

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