Chapter 2

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Rhaegar and his court reached winterfell. When Eddard saw Rhaegar, himself and his men bowed down waiting to rise up. When Rhaegar got off of his horse he came over to Eddard. Eddard rose up and his family followed after him.

" Your Grace" Eddard said

" Lord Stark, it is good to see you again. I have found someone that you might be looking for. Bring her forward". Rhaegar said then Eddard saw Celeste. He raced to her seeing that Celeste was hurt.

" She was found in the riverlands. I made sure that she had treatment, she is good." Rhaegar said to Eddard

" Thank you"

Rhaegar nodded his head towards Eddard. Celeste was taken to her rooms inside the castle while the rest met the royal family. For Sansa she was looking at the prince, to her she was in love at the first sight. Robb standing close to his sister wanting to keep her away from boys. Catelyn was with the Queen as they made their way inside, hours passed by as the Queen was wanting to go home to king's landing. 

Other than Cersei's lack of emotion towards others Rhaegar was with Eddard talking about an offer that Rhaegar made. To join their houses together, in marriage. Eddard's older daughter with his oldest son, but Rhaegar left something out because he wanted to discuss that in king's landing. Rhaegar remembered what Lyanna told him about Eddard, that he is a humble type as well as an honor that can feel up a book. 

That Eddard likes to be in the north and nowhere else. Leaving the room heading to the main hall for the feast, Eddard spotted Catelyn and told her about the offer to the king about Sansa marrying the heir to the seven kingdoms. And that the king wanted Eddard to bring Arya and his ward Celeste with them when they leave Winterfell. 

Eddard could not understand why Celeste needed to come with them but Eddard made sure that Celeste was comfortable for the trip to King's landing. Eddard knew who her parents were, that Criston Cole was looking at Eddard the whole time during the traveling to king's landing.

" Lord Stark" Criston said

" Ser Criston Cole. Long time.' Eddard said

" Yes, a long time. But here we are."

" What happened to her?' Eddard wanted to know what happened.

" Something that you will not believe even if I tell you, lord stark" Criston said as he was getting closer to Celeste.

" You are her father, I will not deny you to be around her. But I will still be around if she needs me."

" And I thank you for raising her, keeping her safe all these years." Criston said as he held Celeste's hand.

Eddard nodded his head at Criston but he saw Arya trying to fight her sister in the background. He went to break up the fight between them. 

 Criston watched Eddard pulling Arya away from Sansa, slightly laughing at the scene on the king's road. Criston looked back at his daughter, gently touching her forehead. Leading down to kiss her forehead, " Please wake up soon" he whispered slowly. Criston grabbed a chair and stayed by his daughter and some of the other kings guards, ones that were not near the king stayed close to Celeste as all rested.

All rested for an hour or so before moving again, getting to king's landing. The people of King's landing saw the king and queen and the northerns which they don't see at all in king's landing at all unless something is going to happen. Rhaegar had rooms for the starks inside the palace, he made sure that they would have anything they needed. Rhaegar made his way with Eddard to the chambers of the small council, Eddard was greeted by the council, soon after all went to work.

Eddard was able to get back for dinner seeing his daughters eating and again Arya and Sansa fighting once again. But this time it ended badly and Arya was sent to her room where Eddard would speak later with her.

" War was so much easier than daughters"

 The next day, Rhaegar called every noble and lord into the throne room. The Queen was there as well with her children, Cersei was wondering what her husband was planning. She thought that her husband is just going to make the announcement of the heir marrying. Only if she knew.

Eddard was standing on the throne with Arya and his men, Sansa was also there but she was looking at her husband with a huge smile on her face. When Rhaegar started his speech Celeste was in the rooms that were giving to her, but there were guards there. She woke up after so many weeks, the guards saw that she was awake. And the guards carefully took her to the throne room as it was an order from the king. When Celeste was bought into the throne room, Rhaegar saw it in the corner of his eye. He put his hand up telling the guards to wait. Criston followed Rhaegar's eyesight and he saw his daughter. He breathed out relief seeing his daughter.

" I called everyone here for a reason, the first one is that the Prince is going to marry. Lady Sansa Stark. Joining houses Targaryen and Stark as one. It is a great match for all. The second one is something that should have been done a long time ago. I have no doubt that many will be angry with me, but in the end it is the right thing to do. Lord Eddard Stark step forward."

Eddard stepped forward to Rhaegar worried about what he was going to do.

" I, King Rhaegar Targaryen, first of my name, release the north from the crown. Making the north an independent kingdom as it was before. Making Lord Eddard Stark no longer, but now he is a king of the north. Where children will be styled princes and princesses or any they chose to see fit. Not only that, Lady Celeste Cole come forward"

Celeste was helped to stand in front of Rhaegar,

" For some time I have not had a hand, that spot has been vacant for a long time. And I chose Lady Celeste Cole to be my hand of the king."

The whole court was in an up roar of the king's words. Eddard stood there frozen from Rhaegar's words and the same for Arya and Sansa. Celeste was frozen as well. Rhaegar came down to Celeste's ear and spoke.

" I did this for a reason, you are now a part of the small group of people I trust. I need someone like you here. Do you understand?" Rhaegar spoke low.

Celeste nodded her head, " I understand"

" It is settled." Rhaegar said and he was ready for the people in the court to fight him on it. But Rhaegar shut them all down.

With the news of what happened in the throne room traveled fast to Dorne, to Winterfell about the north being free and that there is the first female hand of the king. People were going crazy. For Catelyn when she heard what happened she was stunned beyond belief. But there were some that hated the outcome and that the choice Rhaegar made for the starks, foiled their plans, meaning Littlefinger and his plans. 

But that did not bother Rhaegar because he knew that things needed to change for the better and not to stay stuck in history. 

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