chapter 2

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Part 1

I see Juliette walk out of what used to be my fathers room.

"Juliette!" I call out as I run over to her.

She smiles when she sees me.

"is Aaron in there? I can't find him anywhere-"

"he's in there! Is something wrong?"

"no—just wanted to see him!" I tell her smiling.

"where are you going?" I continue.

"oh! Kenji is waiting for me somewhere, I need to go find him." She tells me kindly.

"I'll see you later, right? since you're leaving the room-" I ask her.

She nods, "of course." she smiles and I walk into the room.

Ever since I realized my days just got worse and worse when I didn't see Aaron as much, I have decided to try to get as much time with him as possible.

I might sound clingy, I don't do this all the time of course, I know he has things to do. But I wanted to see what he was doing, and if he is busy i will ether sit with him or go see James again!

I see him sitting with some boxes I assume is our fathers'.

He looks up.

"are you busy?" I ask as I take a seat on the bed.

"I saw Juliette leaving, so I told her to come back soon!" I tell him smiling. "Do you think she wants to spend time with me too-? I know she used to spend a lot of time with you—" I ramble.

He nods, with a small smile, not a sad one though.

"I think so, yes." he tells me as he continues to look in the boxes in front of him.

then suddenly kenji walks into the room, and then Juliette is in here too.
Aaron stands up, looking irritated towards kenji.

"so—" Juliette says, clapping her hands together. "Should we talk?"

"sure." Kenji says, but he is staring at the wall. "Let's talk."

"talk about what-?" I ask, but I'm ignored.

They all take a seat on the couch and chairs.

No one talks.

After a while, Aaron sighs. "You said you had questions for me."

"Yeah, first question: why are you such a dick?" Kenji says.

Aaron stands up. "Sweetheart," he says quietly, "I hope you will forgive me for what I'm about to do to his face."

"Hey, asshole, I can still hear you."

"I believe you are the asshole right now kenny." I say and he glares back at me.

"Okay, seriously, this has to stop." Juliette says tugging on Aaron's arm to get him to sit back down.

"Please sit down." She says. "and you," she says pointing at kenji, "you need to stop instigating fights."

Kenji throws a hand in the air, making a sound of disbelief. "Oh, so this is my fault, huh? Whatever."

"No," Juliette starts. "It's not your fault. This is my fault."

Kenji and Warner turns to look at her at the same time, surprised.

"This?" She says, gesturing between them. "I caused this. I'm sorry I ever asked you guys to be friends. You don't have to be friends. You don't even have to like each other. Forget I said anything."

Aaron drops his crossed arms.

Kenji raises his eyebrows.

"I promise," she continues. "No more forced hangout sessions. No more spending time alone without me. Okay?"

"You swear?" Kenji says.
"I swear."

"Thank God," Aaron says.
"Same, bro, same."

Juliette only rolls her eyes.

"So—you have a question for me, Kishimoto?" Aaron says.

Kenji nods, leans forward. "Yeah—Yeah, I want to know everything you remember about the Ibrahim family. We've got to be prepared for whatever Haider throws at us at dinner tonight, which—" kenji looks at his watch, frowns—

"Is in, like twenty minutes, no thanks to you guys."

"The Ibrahims are here??" I ask excited. "why did no one tell me that—"

"you know them-?" Kenji asks.

"of course she knows them kenji-" Juliette tell him almost rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry, forgot you and Warner are siblings," he says, "it's weird okay—" he smiles awkward, but I only laugh.

"That means nazeera is here too-" I say fast, "Aaron, can I pretty please come with all of you—?" I ask both hopeful and fast.

"come on, I think it would be nice to have her there." Kenji says smiling at me.

"would it help in any way?" Aaron ask him, not rudely, but more confused with his words.

"no, but can you really say no to her—look how excited she is." Kenji tell him.

"I am capable to say no to her, yes, but I don't see why I should say no now." He says giving me a small smile.

I smile.

Maybe it's because he knows this will make me happy and he haven't been around so much, at least I think it's a good reason for him to say yes.

I have not read through this chapter, so hopefully it's good<3

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