Special chapter

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(Elena is 4, Warner is 14)

i have a fever.

and if that wasn't bad enough, my stomach is hurting too, and my finger joints are also hurting.

I have been sleeping in Aaron's room as I started to feel unwell two days ago.

But it's not before now that I feel terrible.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" Aaron said just before he left, as he placed the duvet over me.

He had to leave with our father, he did of course try to find a way to stay here with me, but dad couldn't care less if I was sick.

I just nodded, and was quick to fall asleep. I was freezing, but I was also sweaty.

it's definitely a terrible feeling.

Hours later, I wake up by my stomach hurting more than before.

It makes me want to throw up, but I can't leave my bed. It'll make it worse.

I cry out for Aaron hoping he is home, but I know he isn't.

I don't know what to do, my stomach is hurting so bad, and I'm sweating, yet I'm so cold.

after a little while, I'm getting too warm, still, goosebumps are covering my arms.
What I would do to feel better now.

I cough as I stand up, having to sit down as I feel worse standing up.

as I'm about to sit down, my door opens.

I'm quickly being picked up.

"Aaron—" I cry out as I bury my face into his neck when I'm in his arms.

"it hurts so bad—"

"your stomach?" He asks and I nod.

He takes me down stairs, but that makes me ask:

"Where is dad?" I ask.

"he's in his office," he tells me placing me on the kitchen counter.

I can tell he is stressing to get whatever he is doing done fast.

I see him filling a bottle up with warm water, and when he is done I'm being taken back to his room.

As he place me on his bed, I'm having trouble sitting still. My stomach isn't getting any better at all.

It's not helping as I'm rolling around every fifth second, so I'm not sure why I do it, I just can't lay still.

"you need to lay still if you want this to work, can you do that?" Aaron says as he sits down beside me.

I stop.

I groan as I can't stand laying still so I roll over once again.

"hey, sweetheart-" he tries to say, but then fixes the pillows so he can lay half down. He then picks me up to make me lay my head against his neck. My face is turned to the side of his.

"why won't it stop hurting-" I cry out quietly.

he places the warm bottle on my stomach and stays quiet as all the noice in the room is me whining.

my skin is burning, still i often feel goosebumps on my skin. I feel sweaty and all I want is to take a bath.

I think Aaron has fallen asleep, he isn't moving and when I slowly look up I see his eyes closed.

he must have been tired. it's understandable as I have been keeping him awake all night.

the stomach ache is there still, but it's milder and not as bad as it was minutes ago.

it's something I can handle at least.


I wake up by someone moving.

I look up, and I see Aaron trying to get up.

"sorry, sweetheart, i was hoping you wouldn't wake up." He tells me as he sits up, me still sitting on his lap.

"but you did," I tell him. "my nap wasn't over yet."

But as I realise I'm feeling much better, my mood changes.

"my stomach isn't hurting anymore!" I say as I realise.

He offers me a smile.

"Then I think it's time for a bath." He says as he gets up, me still in his arms.

"but I want to lay in bed a little more—" I say trying to get out of his grip.

He just walks out the room.

"Aaron.." I whine.

"I hear you Elena." He says closing the bathrooms door.

"after I've taken a bath, can you help me find my camera?" I ask, now sitting on the toilet lid.

"you've lost it already?" He asks me filling the bathtub with water.

"I don't know, I haven't really tried to find it."

he chuckles.


I'm all dressed, or I'm in some pink flower thighs with a white tank top, so it's more like a pyjamas outfit.

but we're in Aaron room, he found my camera in his room actually. On his desk.

Today dad has a lot to do, as I heard him tell Aaron before he left, but from tomorrow, so Monday, Aaron will be gone a-lot until Friday.

He will be flying tomorrow, still practising I believe.
I think it's cool that he can fly, I want to learn that someday too!

I'm laying on the floor in Aaron's closet as he is looking around for something to wear tomorrow.

I take a picture of myself with the camera.

"Aaron.." I whine once again, as I'm bored.

"yes sweetheart?"

The picture Elena took, is on top!

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