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                          Word count:1457               

It was 12:30 I stayed in today, relaxing before the school week. I got my clothes back in my closet and just gave my room an overall sweep.

I was bored so I sat at my desk and drew and listened to music,it's what I did in my free time. Of course I wanted to call Eddie but I don't want to come off as Clingy plus we're always talking, together or on the phone. One day without talking isn't going to hurt. Although last night while I was in my thoughts, I thought back to the way Eddie came to my house, all disheveled which still tore me but also how he mentioned he'd tell me the situation, but of course that's not something i'd badger him to speak about when I see him.

"hey har" my door opened revealing my mom. Earlier this morning she asked about last night and if i got home fine and all that stuff. She stated she wasnt worried about me since in the note I left her that I was with Eddie. she has put much trust into him yet she still had to be sure of course.

"heading to the grocery store, you wanna come?"


coming to the store for food was something ma made Sawyer and do because she claims we're picky eater now and doesn't know what to get us. Strolling through the aisle with sawy as we picked up food, he started "how was that party last night?" he asked "the one you and your friends Skeammed to come too?" I havent asked him about that yet.

He stopped and turned to me "how'd you even know about all that?"
"Thought about asking you earlier in front of ma but" I shrug with a sarcastic smile.

"I wasn't apart of it" he says Turing back around with the "Dustin said otherwise" I was just messing with him at this point. "Of course he did, well ME personally i was against it and didn't think we were gonna go but somehow we ended up on our bikes heading towards steves house and-" "pause" I stopped him

"You children actually pedaled there?" I asked surprised, I was intrigued in this little story. "Oh hush, we were gonna find something else to do since Steve was obviously gonna say yes but they have this other friend, who insisted we follow her brother to the party just for fun" he says grabbing cereal.

"We got there but it didn't last long cause her brother came out like not even 5 minutes later and apparently he's like super strict so everyone started biking away and so I just went home. Don't yell at me" he said pointing at me defensively.

I laughed "when do I ever yell at you" "you're not mad?" continuing to walk I put my arm around his shoulder. " its a funny story, and no im not yall are just youngins. But this girl, she isn't like a bad influence is she? Trying to do rebellious things?" I ask jokingly. "I don't know her well yet but shes cool i guess" he said. "and everyone else is cool, you're having fun?"

I ask doing my sisterly job he hated when I get this way but it's forever my job to make sure he's doing well always, especially in a new town and with new people.

he gave me a side eye "yes, everything is fine, they make this place seem more fun then it really is" he says. "good, i'm glad but let me know if anything happens" he scoffs. "alright, I need to grab one more thing then we can find ma" that thing being my favorite drink of course.

"Is there anything else you need after this?" Approcahing the aisle that wasnt hard to find. "Nah"

"Oh, good Mas here" Looking for my drink she approaches me. "I've already got what you're looking for" she says "of course, thanks" I say smiling.

"You two got what you needed?" She ask sawy and I. "Yes, we're good" we made out way to check out quickly and got everything home.


"Look harlow, all im saying is i could've sworn we were on the same page, and- and you"

he turned around with the most amount if darkness I've ever seen in his eyes

"I thought the same thing !" I retorted

"What?! No, You told me not to worry about you when it came to him, I still kept my eye open because I care about you more than ever, but I'd rather see him getting on your nerves than- than that!"

"You know what, im sorry it's not even your fault, you just weren't strong enough to run over his little spell" he said with a fake smile

"No ha no, it is my fault right cause we obviously have this relationship with no label and magically boundaries are set that i guess i have to follow now.?!" I respond harshly.

He scoffs "wow, congrats to him because it God damn worked. You know good and well thats not you in your right mind speaking."

I stood there with my arms crossed not acknowledging his words, I felt nothing for him.

He didn't spare me a Glance. "Get out...I don't want to ask twice because if I do ill yell and I don't want to do that to you"

Opening my eyes, I look around confused. Looking down at my unfinished drawing from earlier. I fell asleep at my desk for about an hour it seems "Shouldn't have fallen asleep in a chair god" I say to myself while stretching. I walk over to my bed to collect myself. In a daze, my mind flashes. Sometimes when having a dream, some might tend to forget they even had one until a moment of realization after waking up.

That was me right now recalling the dream I just had, this was not like the others that included Eddie where I automatically shot up from my sleep. We were fighting or arguing. I sat there with my brows together, confused at the random dream. But over someone and eddie was furated at me.

Dream or not I don't ever want something like that to happen. I shook my head and  shot up from my bed back to my desk, grabbing my phone. I didn't want to bother him today but hearing him speak would break the longing thoughts of that dream I can already feel lingering and making me question everything, there is so much that needs questioning but... one moment at a time.

the phone rang, waiting to for  a pickup

...... "welp, thats not a good sign" i pout putting the phone down  with no answer. I'm just scaring myself, its just a random dream. I got up from my desk grabbing a scrunchie to put my hair in a puff. 

I need a distraction, I head downstairs to get some food. Entering the kitchen i go to the fridge to grab a dr.pepper which was an instant refreshment. Suddenley some loud music came from outside, the front door was open already so I walked over and peaked outside.

"oh hey" 

"hey har, we had to get this bush cut it was growing crazy" ma says. "came to your room to ask for help but you were sleep" sawyer sad rolling his eyes. Wasnt the best nap anyways.

"how was your nap?" Ma asked.

"mmmm  could've been better, but what was all that loud music out here?" i asked  trying not to  bring my mind to my dream again. "some loud person a few houses down" sawyer spoke. "ooo, probably someone not considerate of other peoples peace clearly" i say leaning on the porch post. "Still need any help with the bush?"

"Asshole!" Someone speaks from down the street. "Shit" Sawyer says. I squint my eyes turning my head in his direction "what?" I ask "watch your mouth boy"
"Sorry ma" I chuckle lowly. Sawyer was fixated on whoever down the road. "What is it?" I ask walking to him

. He turned to me "well, looks like the girl I bought up earlier happens to live there" he says pointing in the direction she was in.

I looked down where she was "the rebellious one oooo, what are the odds" I say teasingly "yeah, sure...and that's her brother, the one that she insisted we follow to the party" he whispered so ma wouldn't here and pointed to the other side of the previous loud car. I looked over. "God, this just had to happen" Sawyer says.

I stood with my arms crossed while shaking my head. "Like you said, shit. Shit indeed"

Chapter is finally here! Sorry again for the wait but thank you to all my lovely continous readers♡♡

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