22) From Eden

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From Eden: Hozier

There's something wretched about this

Something so precious about this

Where to begin

Babe, there's something broken about this

But I might be hoping about this

Oh, what a sin


It had been days since the gang's last meeting, and all they've been doing is rushing around to prepare for the White Razor's when they make a move. That was Luke's famous strategy; he'd never attack first but would always finish off the enemy to show others that his gang could hold their own and weren't into causing problems.

Jack tapped the end of a pen against the paperwork spread out on his desk in front of him, chin resting in his palm, eyes threatening to close. He hadn't gotten much sleep due to all of the planning he's been helping Luke with. Years ago, when Andrew was still alive, he'd often have sleepless nights in order to help out with the gang doing constant paperwork, planning, ordering people around, etc. Once he passed, his mental health went south, and he stored himself away in his bunker.

While passing by his office to grab some lunch in the cafeteria, Lydia backtracked her steps in front of Jack's window to catch him dozing off. Frowning, the girl knocked on the door frame, waking the man with an apologetic smile.

"What's up, Sunshine?" He asked, his voice raspy.

Lydia leaned against the frame, cocking her head to the side, "you look exhausted."

"Don't worry about-"

"-Jack," she interrupted with a stern glare, "go to your bunk and get some sleep. I'm sure we can handle the rest on our own."


Shaking her head, the brunette stalked up to Jack's desk and scooped the remainder of his paperwork into her arms, keeping them together with a paperclip. "No buts, you're taking a break."

"Fine," he sighed, getting up from the swivel chair, "but come wake me up if you need something."

The girl sent him an affirmative nod before traipsing out of his office, making her way towards the dining area. As Jack stepped out to walk to his bunk, he took a long glance at the girl absentmindedly swinging her arms as she walked and shook his head. She certainly was something else, and perhaps she'd be the something else that Luke needs in his life.

The five gang members' heads turned away from their food as a figure emerged from the far hallway, and pleased expressions washed over their faces when they realized the person was Lydia. Faye instantly waved the girl over, allowing her a place to sit with a full plate of food in front of the empty seat. Luke watched as the girl followed her gesture and happily took the spot, his heart rapidly beating against his ribcage. She'd been on his mind ever since they shared their last kiss, but they hadn't had time to talk.

"Whatcha got there?" Ashton asked before piling food into his mouth with his utensil.

Lydia glanced down at the stack of papers in her lap and made an 'o' with her lips, placing it on the table next to her. "Some paperwork that Jack had left to finish. I told him to get some rest because he was falling asleep."

"You're way too nice," Michael snorts, shaking his head.

The girl rolls her eyes, spooning some mixed fruit into her mouth, "maybe you're just too mean."

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