10. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?

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"Damn no!?!?" You complain.
You had lost a small make-up bag, on the other hand, there was no make-up inside it, but your cigarettes and a lighter. There were also some pills that Eddie had given you when you had told about your parents. Those drugs were supposed to calm you down.

"Where can it be?!" You think.
You had been to school, the library, Eddie's... EDDIE!?
You and Eddie had smoked in his room, then you put your red makeup bag on his shelf.

You had to get cigarettes... but Eddie wasn't home... maybe his uncle was there?

You run downstairs, put on your shoes and open the front door.

"Y/n where are you going?" Your mother is shouting from the kitchen.
"Out!" You answer.
"Oh with that boy?" Your mother asks and walks over to you.
"Mmm I don't know yet" you say.
"He's just not your boyfriend, is he?" Your mother asks.
"N-n-no, it's not... maybe" you say a little embarrassed.
"Pha... don't fuck with him without a condom... I don't want to become a granny! Especially if you are its mother" your mother laughs.
"No problem, I don't want any child to have a grandmother like you..." you snort and leave.

Your mother wasn't drunk but she could be mean, even before your sister died she always liked Lisa more than you.

*at eddie's home*

(You knocked on the door)

You were right, Eddie wasn't home but his uncle was. He had come to open the door.

"Oh... hi... Y/n?" Eddie's uncle says.
"Hello! That... when I was here one night, I think I forgot a small red bag in Eddie's room, can I..."

"Of course! Just get it" her uncle interrupts you.
"Thank you" you reply and u sneak in home.

"Oh... you're fast," Eddie's uncle laughs.

You walk into Eddie's room, look straight ahead at the boy's shelf and there it was...
You walk in front of the shelf, grab the bag and open it.
Everything was saved... luckily.

You leave the room to walk back to the front door.
"Thanks for this, bye!" You tell his uncle.

"Sit for a moment" Eddie's uncle asks.
"O-okay" you answer and sit down at the dining table opposite his uncle.

"Do you want some coffee?"
"No thanks" you smile.

"Wayne Munson" the man says and shakes your hand.
"Y/n L/n" you reply and shake his hand back.

"So you're my nephew's girlfriend?" Wayne asks, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Ehh... basically we're not dating" you laugh a little embarrassed.

"I'm not a strict parent, u can tell" Wayne laughs.
"maybe... Eddie will tell you if there's anything to tell" you reply.

"Cigarettes?" Wayne asks, gently pointing to a red makeup bag.
"How did you know?" You wonder.
"Eddie had same in seventh grade," Wayne laughs.
"Oh" you giggle.

"Eddie said you have a hard time at home," says Wayne.
"Yeah well... my parents are alcoholics and they didn't like me" you say.
"I hear they hit you?"
"You don't need care about me" you answer.

"Eddie's parents hit him too" says Wayne.
"Oh they hit? I thought they were dead?"
"Yeah, they're dead, but before that..."

*in an hour*

You had talked with Eddie's uncle for a long time, he was surprisingly nice.
"I should probably go, Eddie will probably be coming soon too and shouldn't you go to work soon" you say and get up from the bench.

"Yeah, sure it should," says Wayne.
"And Y/n... if you ever have a hard time being home you can always come here with us, you're a smart and nice girl, just perfect for Eddie" Wayne says.

You smile at him and walk to the door. You open it and suddenly... Eddie was standing there.
"Y/n? What the heck are you doing here?" Eddie asks putting his arm around your waist.

"I forgot this" you say and pick up the make-up bag.
"Oh, I hope uncle wasn't mean to you," Eddie says.
"No... on the contrary" you laugh, kiss the boy on the cheek and sneak out.

*at home*

"I'm at home!" You exclaim.
"Why did it take you so long?" Your father asks.
"There was a lot to do" you answer and walk into the living room.

You look around, you didn't see a single empty can or bottle of wine.
"How come there are no cans here?" You ask in wonder.

"Your mother and I are going to a restaurant to eat," your father says.
"Oh... nice, well I'm going to rest" you reply.
"Use Freddie for a run, it's your dog, that dog is not my and your father's responsibility!" Your mother is snoring.

You roll your eyes and go to your room. Of course you take care of Freddie, he's your dog, but it annoys you how your parents whine.

Well... now you had a cigarette and you really thought about smoking one or two before going out again.

You get to your room, open the door and see Freddie sleeping on your bed.

You sit on your bed which was next to the window, open the window, start stroking Freddie and open a small red bag.

You dig out your lighter and your pack of cigarettes, take a cigarette and light it. You take your first breath, it was the best ever.

"Y/N!!!" We're leaving now!!" Your father screams.

You don't answer anything, you just continue stroking Freddie.
You open the pack again so you can count how many cigarettes you still have...

You stop counting when you notice a small piece of paper in the pocket.
"What the hell?..."
You pick up the paper, it was folded many times, you open all the folds and you see what is written on the paper.

Do you want to be my girlfriend?

You accidentally drop a cigarette out the window.
"Oh my god!?" U say When u read that paper.

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