chapter 3

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When I finally made it to school, I was about 30 minutes late, halfway through my first period.
Although, I could care less because Science was the class that startes off my day and it is also my least favorite subject.

"Ms. Hall, care to inform us all why you decided it was a good idea to not come to class on time?" Mr. Roberts questions me with an expression of disgust as soon as I step foot in the room.

I shrug my shoulders, "I woke up late, so I had to walk to school."

Does he want me to apologize or something?

Because I wont.

Mr. Roberts eyes me for a moment, as I take my seat in the back of the room, then continues with his class.

I slip my earbuds into my ears, drowning out the q&a's filling the room, and lay my head on the desk, waiting for the day to end already.

I try fighting off sleep, but soon give in, not a care in the world.


I trudge through the emty hallways alone while the rest of the school is either in class or at lunch.

Earlier, I tried to sit in the cafeteria...but it was depressing.

I know I have made a few friends, but I didnt bother sitting at their table while they ate and laughed with their peers.
I didnt want to be the awkward new kid who only got to sit at a table because others pitied them.

That wasnt me, atleast It didnt use to be

Before my dad died, I was this bubbly, outgoing, courageous girl who let no one burst her bubble, and took shit from no one.

But that all changed, when my dads last breathe escaped his lips.

"Dad, I know your going to pull through," I say, pulling a tight smile across my lips.

My dad squeezes my hand in his. "But if I dont-"
"No! Don't even think like that! Remember, the fights only over, when you've completely given up. No are you going to give up?"

My dad gives me a small smile, shaking his head slightly.

"good," I whisper,"because I can't lose you, your all I have left."

"You have Pam, and Brianna, " my dad reminds me.

I shake my head. "No. All I have is you."

I look over to the heart monitor, the machine showing results I didnt want to see.

I blink back my tears.

Then I here my dad gasp for air.

Frantically, I hit the nurse button repeatedly, shouting, "Breathe, dad, breathe! Come on, dad, just breathe! In and out, remember?"

No one comes.

The beeps get slower, and slower, to a sickly rate.

Beep..........Beep................. Beep....................

I look to my dad, teary eyes, gripping his hand in both of mine.

"Daddy, please. Please dont go. Daddy"

I watch his chest rise once, then sink for the last time.

His eyes once bright eyes looking directly into mine, dull and lifeless, a sign of death leaving its mark.

"I love you, daddy."

A tap on my shoulder pulls me out of my trance, and thats when I notice my entire body shaking.

I slowly turn around.

And im looking into Lukes eyes, who is standing just inches away from me.


um, I think that may have gotten a little intense there...

Um, this will speed up soon...just wait....

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AND sorry for the short-ass chapters


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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