23 | The Morning After

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He woke up alone

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He woke up alone.

It was partly expected but it stung all the same when his hand unconsciously moved to gather Enzo against his body. The warmth was missing from his side and even the rays of sun hitting his face through the open curtains couldn't wash away the chills settling in his heart.

Kian should've known it was too good to be true and he was bound to wake up to an empty bed. 

The memories of the previous night hit his senses like a hurricane, making his migraine worse than ever. They had kissed all night long and he had also shown Enzo some of his ways to be with a guy. Enzo, as expected, was a passionate lover, quickly picking up on everything Kian had in mind.

It was a wonderful night, full of years worth of longing and hidden desires. Kian wasn't embarrassed to express his wish to taste every inch of Enzo's body. Enzo wasn't the one to complain either, on the contrary, he enjoyed every moment of it.

Did Enzo feel it too? When Kian pleasured him. When his eyes bored into Kian's. His hair tangled in Enzo's fingers, tugging it every so so often, causing beautiful pain. Did Enzo feel it? Their soul-deep connection when they both came together, Kian untouched but that was the hardest he had come ever.

Did Enzo feel it? When they lay on their backs, fingertips brushing the exposed skin, the low temperature of the air conditioning cooling their chests. 

Kian did. He felt it.

And he knew Enzo felt it too. Because Kian remembered how Enzo pulled the comforter over their bodies when Kian shivered and kissed the goosebumps on his skin, then pulled his mouth to his own and delivered a warm kiss. They smiled into the kiss as Enzo said, "So now, Kiki, it's your turn. Are you ready to be my first?"

Kian didn't reply. Merely gulped with anticipation and nodded. Later while Kian let Enzo take him into his warm heavenly mouth, he wanted to scream Enzo's name to the ceiling but all he did was bite down hard on his bottom lip and groaned the whole time. He didn't last long though.

But Kian should've known it was more than he would have wished for.

So, he buried his face in the blankets with a painful groan, his heart caving at Enzo's potent smell still rich in the fabric of his comforter.

Why does everything nice only last for a moment? And why do the memories of it haunt us for a lifetime?

He pondered over his life choices some more as he took a warm relaxing shower, feeling the sensation of Enzo's touch on every inch of his body. Even the scalding spray couldn't erase the vivid memories of Enzo's fingertips running over his exposed body in the middle of the night. Yes, Kian wasn't asleep. He pretended to be deep in slumber, his heart dancing inside his chest with how possessive Enzo's touch was, as if he was learning the details of him.

Kian wasn't sure how long he had stayed inside the shower when the creak of the bathroom door made him jerk towards the sound. He squinted at the glass door to find a familiar silhouette.

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