Chapter 15- the end

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John woke up one sense at a time.

The first thing to come back was touch. He felt his body resting on a bed with silky sheets. He felt his legs pressing against metal bars, like the bed had bumpers to keep him from rolling out. He felt an oxygen mask pressed against his face. His muscles felt sore. And he felt a warm hand holding his. It was such a comforting, loving feeling. That's how he knew he was safe.

Then came the sounds. He heard quiet voices passing by. He heard beeping and the sound of his oxygen mask giving him air. He heard the sound of pages turning beside him. The person holding his hand must be reading a book, John realized.

He could smell the plastic scent of his mask. The aftertaste of lemon lingered on his tongue and he wondered if they were checking him for stroke symptoms. Finally it was time to see.

John opened his eyes. He glanced to his right and saw exactly who he expected to see. Ambrose sat next to his bed in a reclining chair. One hand held a book and the other held John. He looked tired.

John didn't bother saying anything. He just stared at Ambrose and drank him in. He reveled in the fact that Ambrose was still with him. That Ambrose still wanted to be with him.

Because John remembered. He remembered everything. He remembered the things he said, and the things he did. He remembered losing his mind. He shivered.

Ambrose's eyes flew to his and they stared at each other.

"John, baby," Ambrose said. His voice was tight. He gripped John's hand fiercely. "The doctors say you'll be just fine. You went through some withdrawal symptoms. They had you stay out for a while until your body could ride it out. They said you weren't in any pain."

The last statement sounded almost like a question.

"I wasn't," John croaked in his mask. "I didn't feel any pain."

"Good," Ambrose relaxed. His face lost some of its haggard misery. "That's good, baby."

John looked around the room. It looked nicer than any hospital he had ever been to before.

"We're at my private clinic." Ambrose reached out and pet John's hair. John sighed happily and his eyes fluttered.

"My family?" John wanted to wince at the sound of his voice. It was rough, as if he had screamed for hours.

"Safe and settling back in their homes. They'll be safe from now on. There is no Remus family anymore." Ambrose's jaw got tight with suppressed anger. "Jonas survived the shot you put in his face. Now I get to make sure he regrets it."

John felt a shiver go down his spine, but he didn't say anything. After the way he had slaughtered men for just moving in his line of sight, he felt like a hypocrite saying anything about Ambrose's methods.

"I'm- I'm sorry, Ambrose." John found himself choking up and tears came to his eyes. "I didn't know it would get like that. I didn't know that I would get like that. I would have never-"

"Shh," Ambrose ran gentle fingers through his hair again. "It's okay, my love. You came back to me just like I asked. You didn't attack me even when I stood right in front of you. You knew exactly who I was. It's all okay now."

"I never meant for any of that to happen."

"I won't make the same mistake twice, John," Ambrose said softly. "I'll keep you close. I'll keep you in my sight. I never meant to drive you to such a dark place. I was only trying to keep you safe. I'm the one who's sorry. If I hadn't ignored you and tried to keep you away, this wouldn't have happened."

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