Part 3

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Just a heads up, in this story the academy isn't all rainbows and unicorns, for this idea I've made the academy so that it can do good things but isn't a good organisation. Also, the person behind volto isn't a character we know, I just made someone up to fit this story. Enjoy!

2 years ago

"You're leaving?" I

"Sang baby, you have to understand, the academy threatened to hurt you if we didn't leave. We couldn't do that to you." He started towards me to pull me into his arms but I took a step back. His eyes flashed with hurt but at the moment I really didn't care.

"So you're choosing the academy over me?"

"Princess-" I put my hand up to stop Victor from talking.

"Why do you even work for these people? I thought you said they were good people!"

"Sang, we thought they were-"

"You obviously thought wrong!

"Miss Sorenson, there is nothing we can do. They have threatened you and our families unless we live this area."

"Leave me you mean. You promised. You all promised you would never leave me." I said in a broken whisper. My legs collapse and I fall to my knees. I hear the boys move to help me up. My vision starts to go black and I feel like I'm going to be sick. How would I ever cope without my boys? They are everything to me. My thoughts start to turn dark; McCoy coming after me, Greg touching me in a dark alleyway, Volto taking me away.

"Sang..." The sound of Kota's broken voice snaps me out if. All of a sudden I start shaking, not with sadness or nerves but with anger.

"Get out."

"W-what?" Kota stuttered with a look of confusion in his face.

"I said get out." My voice a little louder this time. I looked him in the eyes to show that I'm serious. They all seemed to realise that I wasn't kidding and tried to talk me out of it.

"Please just sit down Princess and listen to us.

"We're not choosing to leave you Peanut if there was any other way that we could get around this we would but-"

"But what? You could always just say no. Or leave. But you are choosing them."


"Just leave. Please just go." My voice was catching with every word at this point. They all just stood there staring at me. I could see the sadness in their eyes, the fear, the pity. That last one angered me even more. This time I couldn't deal with it anymore. I screamed at them as loud as I could which wasn't very loud as it ended in a screech. "GET OUT NOW. JUST GET OUT OF MY HOUSE."

They headed towards the door trying to touch me as they went past but I took a step back out of their reach. A broken look crossed all of their faces but I didn't care. When they all left I fell to the floor. There was no one here to catch me this time. I screamed then. I screamed until my throat hurt. I screamed until I couldn't anymore. That was night when all my emotions were just anger and hatred; how it would be for a very long time.That was the night my heart turned t ice and wouldn't thaw for a long long time.

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