While your at your school fixing your thing at the locker, your singing "someone like you" by adele ... while singing the chorus of the song suddenly emma tap you in the shoulder
emma: oh my gosh! your voice is kiiling me right now!! your good at singing!!
you: thank you emma *smiled*
emma: you should join!!
you: join what?!
emma: school musical!
you: school musical?
emma: yes! it's so amazing. the most amazing club here at CMS. cause when people liked your voice you will have the chance to go to New York and sing
you: seriously?!
emma: YES! and greyson is on that club too!! that's why lot's of girls are joining *laughs*
you: no, i won't join that club
emma: are you kidding me!!? your voice is like an angel fallen from the sky! you should join that club!
you: i don't really want to
emma: if you don't then 'ill let you! *pulls you*
you: where are we going??
emma: we are going to the bulletin board so that you can sign
you: for what? i don't really like too
emma: (YN)! it's your chance to shine! DUH!
you: i don't want to shine!
emma: well i want you to sign. let's go!!
you: emma ... stop ...
when you reached the bulletin board
you: no i won't sign this!
emma: sign in!!
you: i won't !
emma: sign it!
you: i won't
suddenly greyson came
greyson: hey guys! what's the prob
emma: (YN) don't want to sign this paper for auditions cause she thinks that her voice sucks buct it's not!! it sounds like angels!!
greyson: really?! well you should sign it.
you: i'm shy ..
greyson: your like me when i first audition at the school musical i'm very shy but when it time for singing my shyness is gone!!
emma: SEE?! sign it now!!
you:ok fine i'll sign it !!
you signed the paper for auditions suddenly lauren came
lauren: you signed the paper? wow! can't believe that. i didn't know that you have a great voice!
you: *rolls your eyes*
lauren: grey let's go
greyson: i'll see you guys at classroom
whe the class starts your teacher ask who's auditioning at the school musical then greyson and you both raise you hands
ms. danfort: ms. shields and mr. chance only?
class: YES MA'AM!!
ms. danfort: tomorrow is the auditions for school musical at the Musical room with the head of the musical ms. Roxan ...
you: i shouldn't audition
greyson: it'll be fine (YN) don't worry i'm with you!
you: promise??
greyson: *raise his hand* i'll promise!
you: thanks greyson
greyson: anytime you need me *smiled*
you: (MIND: his eyes is mesmerizing, his rosey cheeks .... oh my gosh!!)
when the class is dismissed
greyson: (YN) (YN)!! *shouted*
you: yes?
greyson: i'll see you tomorrow at the auditioning room
you: ok, i'll see you!
greyson: don't be nervous it will be just fine i promise!! *leaves*
you: i hope so ...
when you got home, you opened your twitter and then you saw one follower followed you and that's greyson and he even tweeted you 4 mins ago.
@greysonchance: i'll see you tomorrow @yourusername and don't get nervous ((: xx
XX. he is so nice!! i just can't stop thinking of him!! well i should stop thinking of him!! am i crazy!! she got a girlfriend and his girlfriend is so not great !!! why is it so hard?!! and why is it always like that? when i'm in Love with someone they already got girlfriend!! HOW ANNOYING, RIGHT!! hate talking to my self seriously ..... *face palm*
suddenly your mom came in
mom: hey swee--- why are you facing your palm??
you: NOTHING! *close your loptop* is it not allowed??
mom: so how's your second day??
you: amazing as always i guess *giggles* oh almost forgot to tell you, i joined a musical club and tomorrow is the auditions and i'm so nervous!!
mom: really?! i'm so glad you oin that kind of clubs *smiled* don't e nervous sweetie. it's natural. and besided you have a voice
you: of coarse i have a voice DUH! *laughs*
mom: i mean you can sing DUH!
you: don't say DUH again mom it's not fit for you *giggles*
mom: DUH!
you: *laughs* don't !!
mom: ok i'll go into my room now, you should sleep now sweetie it's getting late.
you: ok mom goodnight DUH!
mom: goodnight sweetie! DUH! *laughs*
you: *laughs with your mom*
God help me tomorrow please please i don't want to be embarrased infront of greyson and other poeple who's inside ... HELP ME!!
hope you uys are loving this story. cause i'm loving it hahaha ((: Thanks for reading my story specially this one. Means alot to me. really ((: