Chapter 6: Skull Leader & Fragments of Memory

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"Well, there's no doubt about it now, he really is Roy Focker," said Aisha, turning in her seat to face Leon. They were in the ship's lab, which was next door to the sick bay.

"But how is that possible? Roy Focker died... well, 50 years ago. Could he be a clone?" asked Leon.

"There are none of the markers for genetic manipulation. He really does seem to be who he says he is. I wonder..."

"What are you thinking?"

"Ever since I came to Ouroboros I've heard stories from people saying that during Auras of years past that they met people who've seemed to be lost in time. I wonder if this is somehow related to the Aura? We should ask Major Focker about it," she said, getting up from the computer station and walking to the door.

Leon followed her out and into sickbay where they found Roy in the midst of telling some story to Mina.

"And then she said to me, 'Roy Focker, you pig!' and then slapped me hard enough that I swear I could see little Valkyries floating around my head! I had to do a lot of apologizing to Claudia after that one."

Mina was holding her hands over her mouth to stop from bursting into laughter.

"Mr. Focker that was horrible!" she giggled.

"What's this hmm? You're not corrupting our poor Mina are you Major?" asked Aisha with a wry grin.

"Naw, just telling stories to pass the time. So what's the verdict, Director Aisha? I don't have any alien diseases?"

"That wasn't exactly what we were looking for. Major, do you know where you are right now?"

"Well, I know it definitely ain't Earth. That ship looking like and not actually being the Macross was proof enough of that. I had just gotten there searching for answers as to where this place is and how I got here.

"Well, you're right, this is not Earth. This is actually an Earth-like planet called Ouroboros. The city-ship was the SDFN-8 Britai Kridanik," said Aisha.

"So they made more than one Macross, eh? Well that answers another question I had. Better just give it to me straight. I did more than just travel through space didn't I?"

Aisha and Leon traded looks.

"Yes, you did Major. It's currently the year 2060."

As much as Roy had braced himself for something shocking, he hadn't been expecting this. His faced paled considerably.

"Fifty years?! But... how?"

"Well Major, that's what we were hoping you could tell us," said Aisha

Over the next few minutes, Roy explained to them how he'd been on a patrol in his Valkyrie when suddenly his instruments had started fluctuating wildly. The next thing he knew, he'd blacked out and then found himself and his Valkyrie inside what looked like some ancient ruins. He'd found his way out and had just been wandering around trying to find out where he was and how he'd gotten there when he'd stumbled upon the SDFN-8 and the bandit attack.

"Hmm, that's very interesting. Very, very interesting..." remarked Aisha, her hand cupping her chin thoughtfully.

"So now I'm in the future eh? Well, I hope you can figure out a way to send me back, don't much like the thought of outliving all of my friends. Personally I always thought that I'd go down in a blaze of glory..."

"It may be kind of difficult to do that," said Leon, "see there's this phenomenon going on right now called the Ouroboros Aura that's messing up lots of stuff and..." he was cut off as Aisha cried, "That's it!"

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