Chapter 10: Chance Meeting

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Their suspicions about the dark blue Valkyries ended up being proven sooner than the Gefion crew thought.

Leon, Alto, Roy and Mina had been out on a Hunter Guild mission, eliminating a band of Unified Forces deserters who had tried to organize themselves as a band of bandits called Golden Talon, and had just returned to the ship.

Leon had just finished his post-flight checks and had been arguing good-naturedly with Gerrol when he heard a long, admiring whistle from Roy.

"Now where did that gorgeous babe come from?" he said.

Leon turned to look at what had caught the elder pilot's attention and gasped.

"Hey, what the hell is the fighter that shot me down doing here?!"

A Few Minutes Earlier...

Aisha turned in her chair in the Gefion's small laboratory to face her guest. He was a tall man with long grey hair tucked behind his ears and had a cybernetic prosthetic that replaced his left eye. He wore a long white coat over a military uniform.

This man's name was Ushio Todo and he was the commander of the New Unified Forces task force, Havamal.

"I can't share all of the details but the information we needed came from the ruins, just as we thought," Todo said in a deep, stentorian voice. Unlike Aisha, he was standing across from her in the at-ease pose, although he made it seem like he was still at full attention.

"We've only just been able to do a thorough analysis ourselves," she replied.

"Though some of my staff questioned its use, we have managed to use what we've discovered to forcibly cross through the Aura faults. It's not a perfect approach and it has caused damage when the crossing is made."

"Still, it's impressive. I read the paper you published on subspace theory and its relation to fold faults. It's great that you've reached the testing phase so soon. Maybe Ouroboros' citizens won't have to be cut off from each other on their own planet any more."

"You deserve some of the credit as well, Colonel Blanchette. It's impressive what you've managed to achieve in the past three years."

"Which wouldn't have been possible if Havamal hadn't been excavating many of the ruins locations and set up research bases in the Julia Islands and Sierra Desert."

"Come now, you're too modest, Colonel."

"No, it's just that..."

"By the way, I've been curious about something," Todo's attitude, which had been fairly relaxed as far as he went, suddenly turned serious, "Records show that you're a pureblood Zentradi. Is that right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" replied Aisha, her lips curving into a slight frown.

"Hm... interesting." Todo stared off into space, seeming like he had figured out something he hadn't before. After a moment, just when the silence was becoming awkward, he snapped out of his reverie.

"Unfortunately I have business to attend to elsewhere. Please excuse..."

"Aisha! We're back!" Mina came bouncing into the room but halted in place when she realized that Aisha had a guest, "Oh! I'm sorry for interrupting!"

"It's fine, I was just about to leave, Miss...?"

"This is the daughter of a friend of mine who's helping as a part-timer. Mina, this is Commander Ushio Todo of the New Unified Forces,"

"Pleased to meet you, Commander Todo, I'm Mina Forte,"

"Specifically Commander of the Special Task Force Havamal and the honor is mine, Miss Forte. Colonel, I'll take my leave." And with that, Todo strode briskly out of the room. Aisha slumped a bit in her chair, conscious now of how tense she'd become when Mina had walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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