Chapter 7: First Flight

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IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! IT'S FINA-LILY HERE! Yes, friends, there is finally an honest-to-goodness new chapter of Macross 30! And the finale to part one of the story as well! Some of you may have been wondering why, since this is a crossover, how come only one "legacy" character has shown up so far? Well, that's just how the game goes; part one is essentially set-up to how the rest of the game plays out and the fact that a certain Macross "enemy' shows up in this chapter should give you a hint as to who is going to show up next... assuming you haven't played the game before. ;)


The hatches to the simulators opened and Roy and Mina stepped out onto the floor of the sim room.

"How did I do, Major Focker?" she asked tentatively.

The time-lost pilot frowned slightly, looking the young woman up and down for a moment. "Normally I wouldn't heap praise on a pilot recruit, gotta watch out for that ego and all, but you... you've mastered the basics of piloting a Variable Fighter a LOT faster than I thought you would. Its only been a week and I'd say you're ready for your first flight."

"Really?!" cried Mina, her eyes shining in anticipation.

"Yeah, really. But don't get me wrong, Rion and I will be putting you through your paces. According to Ms. Aisha, there have been a lot more bandit incidents over the last few days and I don't train anyone just so they can get shot down their first time out. Just because you've got the basics down, doesn't mean you're an ace. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" replied Mina, doing her best at a formal salute. Roy returned the salute with a chuckle and they both made their way up to the Gefion's bridge to report in to Aisha.

Aisha was in her usual place, next to the globe-like holographic display on the right-hand side of the bridge. despite being the de-facto Captain of the Gefion, Aisha preferred this chair as she could easily access all of the ship's systems from that position. A few moments later, Rion also stepped onto the bridge.

"OK, the gang's all here," Aisha said, turning in her chair so that she could talk to all three of them, "Rion, we've received another request from the Hunter Guild to do a pickup job.

"A pickup job, huh?" he said, a noticeable lack of enthusiasm in his voice.

"Not every job can be an actual bounty, besides this will be a good job for Mina to earn her wings on. All you have to do is fly out to Leopold City, it's on the other side of the archipelago from Britai City, pickup some supplies and fly them into the city and you'll be done. Any questions?"

"No, that should cover it," replied Rion, "You ready to fly, Mina?"

"Yes! I've been waiting for this ever since Major Focker began teaching me!"

"Just call me Roy, kid, you're not military so no need to be too formal."

"Alright, 'uncle' Roy," Mina cheekily replied and flounced out of the bridge before anyone could reply.

"Ah to be a teenager again," Roy said, wistfully.

Aisha followed them down to the hangar so she could personally present Mina with her new Valkyrie. Mina's personal machine was hidden under a white tarp but some of its hull wasn't covered completely, exposing some sky-blue colored fins. Aisha uncovered it with a dramatic flourish and Mina practically squealed in delight while Rion couldn't help but offer a rueful, "I don't suppose there's a VF-11 for me to fly, is there?"

"I wouldn't mind giving her spin either," added Roy, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Unfortunately not, Mina gets the new one since she's a more inexperienced pilot than you or Roy."

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