Dear mom,
I'm sorry
i'm sorry i have a b+
I'm sorry i'm gay
I'm sorry i'm loud
I'm sorry i'm quiet
I'm sorry I dress "goth" in your eyes
I'm sorry I'm in my room
I'm sorry I have acne
I'm sorry you don't like my friends
I'm sorry I have manners
I'm sorry I'm in a mood
I'm sorry I use sharpie
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I'm not focused
I'm sorry I have anxiety
I'm sorry I'm depressed
I'm sorry I hang out with ___
I'm sorry I don't want to do track
I'm sorry I don't like you planning my future
I'm sorry i'm trash
I'm sorry I watch anime
All of these things I feel I shouldn't have to apologize for right?
But when my mom is around it's "sorry" for everything she doesn't like.THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!!