Chapter 1

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6 years ago

The little girl sat in front of her majestic window, looking down at the little blond boy with his mother walking through the beautiful gardens of the manor.It was an usual autumn day , she liked watching the leaves fall from the trees and see the flowers crumble in as it grows colder.
She wasnt allowed to go there.
Or anywhere.
Not even talking with the little boy was allowed.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knock on the door.
"come in" the girl nearly whispered
She watched the door , as it slowely opened revealing the hungered and dirty houself .
" miss, master has told me to let you know that you must visit him in his office tonight" he said . The houself left in seconds , not letting the girl respond to him, or thank him for recognizing her, giving her the feeling of actually existing, not just spectating.
She wondered why they would let her out of the room.
Not that she was treated badly , she was treated as the Master said "special" , meaning she wasnt allowed to leave the room when the boy or guests were around.
As the sun beagn to fall and the clock hit 8 the little girl went out of her room and hurried to the Masters office .
She lightly knocked, after a second she heard a stern voice mummering " come in".
As the frightend girl stepped in the office ,she met eyes with the blond haired man.
"Good evening little Aurora" he kindly said.
"Good evening Mr malfoy, Sir" the girl shyly mummered only looking at the dark woodend floor.
"Aurora,you dont need to call me by my sirname, call me Lucius"
"Im Sorry, Lucius sir"she said still looking at the luxurious floor.
"I wanted to speek to you about something."
he took a breath
"You should know the truth.You are no Malfoy, still we somewhat are related " he said emotionless "you, little Aurora are my fanily ,your parents , walburga and orion black sadly passed when you were just a little child. My lovely wife, Narcissa offered to take you in, and raise you as on of our own."
"We have a son, Draco, im sure you have seen him once" he paused "we kept you away now because of your own safety, we didnt want you to think you are a real malfoy, wich you arent." he mentioned hiding a chuckel.
" Can i meet him, now that i know im not a Malfoy" little Aurora muttered.
"Surely, i talked to him,here in the Manor you two will be albke to communicate and keep eatchother company"
"Am i allowed in the Gardens too , Lucius sir"
"Yes Aurora, if you promise me to not tell anyone outside that you are a Black,you are allowed and promised anything.When stepping out in the wizrading World you'll introduce yourself as Aurora Malfoy"

As the hours went on, the little girl continued to talk to Mr Malfoy, asking him questions and him answering every and each on of the questions.

"Will i go to Hogwarts with Draco"she happily asked
"No, you are going to visit Beauxbuton,an academy where you'll learn to behave like a lady"he stearnly said.
"When will i leave"the girl asked with a bit of sadness glancing through her voice.


This is my firsrt published story, english isnt my first language so be nice please

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