Chapter 2

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no ones pov:
Ever since that day Draco and Aurora have been  inseparable, meaning they would spend the holidays together talking the whole night.
Draco always told her about how annoying the infamous Harry Potter is and she would listen.
Aurora did not have many friends in Beauxbaton, she claims it is beacuse she hadn't had any touch to children her age when she was younger, and therefore didnt know how to really sozialise. It was currently summer (1995) both Auroras and Dracos holiday. Both of them sat in the Garden wich was decorated with the most beautiful and exotic plants to ever be seen, laughing about something Draco just told her.
Suddenly their laughter was interrupted.

Auroras POV

"Its an beautiful day isnt it" i heard Narcissa say. As me and Draco turn around i spot Narcissa and Lucius arm in arm, standing just a few meters away from the bench we are sitting on. I've always seen naecissa like my real mother, not like mr malfoy, who was distant to not only me but also narcissa and draco, claiming he had to work.
"Would both of you get inside with us, we have something to discuss with the both of you"
lucius said looking directly in my eyes, while  Narcissa kindly smiled.
"Yes Father" , Draco said in an emotionless voice while standing up, stepping next to his mottehr while he put his hand on my back and directed us inside the Manor.
As we arrive in the cool dark manor i feel draco nudging my shoulder "You really dont have to be afraid of my father" he kindly whispered in my ear, before sitting down at the huge wooden table in the center of the manor.
Silence filled the room until the Houseelf entered the room with his hand full of tea mugs that clappered everytime he took a step towards us.
"Faster" Lucius hissed at the poor elf, hitting him with his walking stick, while Narcissa laid her hand on his in attempt to realx him.
A moment passed and we were sipping on our teas still sitting in total silence.
"We wanted to speak to you because" Narcissa began to speak with a small smile in her face
"Aurora will be visiting Hogwarts with Draco this year"
I nearly chocked on my tea as i looked to draco who had his signature smirk forming across his face.
"But" Lucius began to speak "We expect you to not be a discrace to the Malfoy name, both of you" he ended his sentence by fixing his tie and standing up hurring out the door.
"I hope both of you enjoy your 6th year together, i know how much this means to the both of you" narcissa said kindly while heping the elf put back the mugs back to the kitchen.
The second she left i let a smile paint my face right when Draco took me in his arms while telling me how much i will enjoy being in Hogwarts. I always admired how Draco acted towards his mom, how he grew soft and respecter her, not like his father did. Draco does everything to protect me and her, both of them gave me the feeling of being part of the family.

5 weeks later

Aurora sat in her room as the sun fell from the sky and the stars made its way upon it.
She was currently reading a book about magical animals and how to tame them.
Suddenly Draco stormed into her room with a huge smile on his face
"Why so happy dear brother"Aurora laughed out of breath caused by draco laying himself on top of her.
"Father is gone for the next to months, meaning when we board on to the train he wont be there to ruin our year with his Malfoy name speech"
A smile spread across Auroras face as she took in those reliefing news.
Not that she hated Lucius she was rather scared of his judgement towards everything.
"What is going on, stop this nonsense" she heard a voice say. Quickly both of the Children turned around, only to see an annoying looking Mr malfoy at the door with his houseelft behind him, who shyly waved at the shocked children.
"Aurora let me have a little Chat with you" Lucius forced a smile on his face.
"Draco.Stop acting like a toddler, you are a Malfoy" he said now focusing on the yet again emotionless boy.

Auroras POV:
i knew how much Draco was hurt by Lucius's words.
I looked back at Mr Malfoy only to see him waiting for me to step out of the room.
As we arrived in the dark hallway i feel a painful grip at my arm i looked at Mr Malfoy, seeing his cold expression as came closer to me.
"Dont you dare put shame on this household, if i hear only one complain, pray to merlin that i wont be here"
he hissed at me while grabbing my arm thighter with every word.
Tears grew in my eyes because of how thight his grip was.
"Yes ,sir" i said trying to sound unhurt.
"I wont put shame to your name".
"Thats what i thought little Aurora"
he said in his manipulative sweet voice that i always hated, "now go" he said again sounding cold while pushing himself off me.
I waited for him to leave the hallway when i finally began to cry only to hear little steps behind me.
"miss black, are you okay" the houself said stepping towards me drying my tears.
Before i could thank him the elf spoke again
"Mrs Malfoy, Master just left, would you like sone tea" the houself said looking behind me.
"No thank you, you are free for this evening"
Narcissa said in her soft voice.
"thank you miss, thank you " he said smiling while going away.
"Oh my dear Daughter, what did he do to you"Narcissa said while sitting down while embracing me in a warm hug.
"Nothing, really i just dont like when he speaks to me in a harsh way, its irritating but dont worry im fine"
i told her while holding more tears away, not daring to tell her how he grabbed me tonight and all the other times.
"Its okay, Aurora" she whispers.
" if you want me to talk to him just tell me.   ill leave you now to talk with draco" she said slowly letting go of me "i know its not the tone he talks that makes you cry, but i also know that you dont feel ready to talk to me" she said now looking at me and caressing my cheek.
Thats when she left the hallway and i made my way too Draco who was still in my room.
As i stood infront the door the tears began to fall.

heyy so this is a bit more longer, please tell me how long the chapters should be :)

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