Random Wedding Headcanons

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- Mac took a little while to propose to you (still feeling the effects of Lucy's death, and he wanted to be sure Duncan was okay with it) but once he did, he was fully immersed in preparations with you.
- Doesn't know a lot about flowers but insists you incorporate snapdragons into the decor because the name "sounds cool".
- Argues with Curie over the pronunciation of "charcuterie" board, which you will have several of at your wedding.
- Makes sure there is mutfruit in your hotel room for the wedding night...


- Would get annoying with his constant worrying. He has himself convinced something or someone will sabotage your big day.
- Keeps bringing up potential "weak spots" in the venue where raiders or super mutants could attack from, even though you know it's not going to happen.
- Insists on bringing his power armor to the wedding "just in case". You allow it as long as it stays hidden.
- Is pretty hands-off when it comes to picking flowers, decor, etc. You asked if he preferred lilies or roses to which he responded "both are adequate for a soldiers wedding". Not very helpful.
- Teary eyed as you walk down the aisle, he's in complete awe of you.


- You basically have to fight to get him to take an interest in the wedding planning. He really does not care, and doesn't make much of an attempt to fake it.
- Is thrilled you two are tying the knot but knows nothing about the lengthy wedding planning process and has no time to learn.
- Suggests that scribes take on the roles of flower girl and ring bearer. Don't worry, you shut that down immediately. Duncan and Nat would suffice.
- Will probably wear his coat on your wedding day.
- Completely speechless as you walk down the aisle, nothing but adoration in his eyes.


- Will gladly sit down with you through every step of the wedding planning process to offer helpful suggestions and opinions.
- Adamant about having Daffodils featured in the centre pieces. They were his mothers favourite.
- Recruits Sturges to scavenge for a decent suit with him. Codsworth ensures you they found something perfect, and Preston can hardly stop himself from showing you before the wedding day (you both wanted to keep your outfits a surprise).
- Weeping as you walk down the aisle. This man is a golden retriever, ok.


- Say it with me one more time: The wedding is not just another Goodneighbour block party.
- Hancock isn't too invested in the ceremony portion of your wedding, his mind is preoccupied with planning a great reception. He wanted to ban Danse from attending for fear he would disrupt the fun, but you told him that wouldn't be fair.
- Despite not being overly involved in the ceremony planning he does write his own vows, and they are beautiful.
- Smiling like an absolute mad man as you make your way down the aisle.


- Uh, you're on your own in planning this thing if you want ANYTHING to come across as elegant or refined.
- Gage will provide you with his thoughts on decor if you ask but it's not exactly helpful. You asked if he preferred blue or red table cloths to which he asked why you couldn't just use mud-caked clear plastic tarps from Nuka World.
- He would like to elope and get married just the two of you, "I like this thing we've got goin boss, how about you and me run off somewhere and make it real?"
- Cannot take his eyes from you as he sees you coming down the aisle, he's frozen in place.


- Wishes he could be of more use in regard to planning but he genuinely doesn't know where to begin.
- If you ask his opinion he'll provide it but then immediately second guess himself. You asked if he'd like to be married by Clemons in Diamond City to which he responded "Sure, kid. Sounds good enough to me. Unless... unless you don't want that. We'll do whatever's best for you"
- Asks Ellie to help write his vows. She sits with him but it turns out he really doesn't need her. It all comes to him naturally.


- Has a very difficult time taking things seriously in regard to planning the wedding as well as writing his vows. You watch him laugh to himself as he writes down his promises to you as a husband.
- Will show up to the ceremony 5 minutes late. You still don't know where he was or what he was doing.
- Nevertheless he's been waiting a long time for this day to arrive, and couldn't be more thrilled to take your hand in marriage.
- When you're kissing you feel something crunch in his suit pocket. He brought his sunglasses to the ceremony...
- Carefully slides a whoopee cushion onto Danse's chair while Hancock is making his best man speech.


- No you are not marrying Strong but you do have to convince him to attend your wedding.
- Or don't invite him?
- Strong hates your wedding dress/suit, sorry.

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