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Nearly 500 years ago...

Agaster landed with a loud thud onto dry grass. He watched with horror as the End Portal sealed up above him. He growled and climbed to his feet, cursing as he studied the biome he had landed in.

The land was basically dead. Dry grass crunched beneath his feet and was seeming the only vegetation in the area. He groaned and turned, the tip of a building catching his eye. He scornfully looked up once more at the blue sky once more before hiking in the direction of the structure.

He soon discovered it to be part of the ruins of a town. The place had evidently been attacked recently—fires still burned and the bloodstains splattered around still looked somewhat fresh.

"Well, you're not from here." An old-sounding voice behind him announced.

"Ah!" Agaster jumped and whipped around, grasping his sword handle.

There stood an old man wearing a dark green cloak. Standing next to the man was a mass of grey-green shadows in the form of some beast.

"Who are you?" Agaster asked, eyeing the monster.

Suddenly, a much smaller mass of shadows zipped up to him, inky blue in color. Agaster yelped and pointed his sword at it.

"Calm down," the old man said, unflinching. "It won't attack you. In fact, it chose you."


"Young man, I am sure you know a thing or two about Shadow Wraths."

Something suddenly clicked in Agaster's mind. "You're Polyus Void, aren't you? Most commonly know as 'The Man of the Void'?"

"Well, I'm now The Old Man of the Void, but yes," he nodded. "I am he. But call me Polyus."

Agaster nodded then a dangerous look came into his face. "So...this Shadow Wrath chose me, huh?"


A/N: PUBLISHED THE FIRST SECTION, YAY! I hope you guys like it so far and are excited!

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