Chapter 8

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The rain was slowing. Faint rumbles of thunder could still be heard in the distance. But over that, a war horn could clearly be heard.

Ciara sat bolt upright. "They're here."

Kane spun his gun on his fingers. "I might be ready to fight but I need to know our strategy." 

Ciara looked to her feet. That was Kane, through and through. Always wanting to look ahead wisely.

Rain pressed his hands to the table. "Here's the plan--Stella and I will go out there with just over half the force. The rest of you, make it sound like there are more of you than there actually are."

Ciara growled. "But I want to fight."

"Trust me, Ciara. If they break past us? There will be plenty of fighting."

The horn blew again, each note sounding clear as they moved closer. Stella closed her eyes for a moment. "Here we go."

Lyria pressed her lips together. "I think I'm going to be sick."

Hilda put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You'll be fine. You've fought Hogsworth before."

"Yeah, when we had a blizzard on our side! We don't have that now. And to make matters worse, we're literally fighting against a mountain and in a cave. If we have to retreat, we have no where to go!"

Hogsworth snorted. "You seem to be forgetting you have me. Worst comes the worst, I can help us escape."

Lyria played with her hair. "If you say so..."

Rain clapped his hands together. "Great! Let's give them hell!"


Lance was lost because he was at the base of another mountain. Like this, he would never be able to find the Ender Watchers. Was he not good enough to do anything right? Was he just the 'weak, short-eared Enderkin' people had made fun of all the time?

Frustrated, he kicked the mountain stone, swore, then crumpled to his knees, holding back tears of anger and hurt. It never mattered...did it? Exhausted, he curled up underneath a nearby bush, pulling his cape over his head.


Lance focused his power into the tips of his fingers, waiting a moment before opening his eyes, throwing silver tendrils of magic into the air. With skillful hand motions, he caused them to change shape and color until they evaporated. With a leap, he launched himself into the air, and with a grin, began to dance across the sky. He summoned flying targets and destroyed them just as quickly.

He knew it wasn't just power flowing through his veins; it was a sense of freedom.

"Very impressive."

Lance looked below him to see the young End Queen watching him, meaning the first meeting of the Queen's council was finished. He sunk slowly to the ground, cape billowing behind him and as soon as he touched the End Stone, he dropped into a bow.

Ceris waved a hand. "Rise, young Lord."

He blinked. "Wait, Lord? Did I hear you correctly, My Queen?"

She nodded as he climbed to his feet. "The council voted that your father is to retire. You are to be dubbed Lord of the Far Islands. In fact, we might rename them."

He couldn't help but stare at her. "Are you sure I'm the right one to do this?"

"Of course I'm sure. I'm 35 and Queen of the End. I'm sure you can run some islands if I'm doing that."

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