Chapter 7

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"You look absolutely stunning tonight, Ceris."

Ceris looked up from her clasped hands, which were resting on the lap of her deep-violet dress. She instinctively went to pull her hair over her face just to remember it was pulled back in a bun. "Thank you, but I disagree."

Lance tilted his head. "Why is that?"

"I feel like an Endermite trying to pass for a peacock."

"Ah." He sat next to her. "You feel out of place, dressed like that."

She nodded and bit her bottom lip, looking down at her hands. "I feel like this is a play, and my role was the Queen."

Lance was silent for a moment before placing a gloved hand over hers. "I know this is a big deal. I mean, its your first time hosting the Festival of Islands. Especially since this is the first one in over 30 years," he smiled at her. "But everything looks amazing. It's well planned and from what I've observed, everyone is impressed so far."


"Yes! And you're going to get on that stage and wow them some more. Because you're Ceris, the greatest End Queen in my lifetime."

She smiled and laced her fingers through his. "Thank you, Lance."

He smiled, leaned over, and pressed his lips against hers before helping her to her feet. "Are you ready?"


He pushed open the door and the crowd outside fell silent as they walked on the stage.

Then the sound of steel sliced through the air.

The crowd screamed as Lance grabbed Ceris, bringing them both to the ground as a dagger zipped overhead.


 "Ceris!" Vordus gripped her shoulders and shook her awake. "My Queen, please wake up!"

She sat bolt upright, breathing hard. "Is everything alright?"

"We're fine, but you were literally yelling in your sleep."

She let out a long breath. "I was just having a nightmare about...the time I was nearly assassinated." 

Vordus was silent as she regained control of her breathing. "Get some rest, Vordus. We must continue in a few hours. I'll be fine."


Azura marched down the hall in full wingsuit, Nostra close behind. Following instructions from Agatha, they quickly found Ser Patrick in the meeting room, writing papers. He glanced up the moment he heard their footsteps. "What is all this?"

Nostra nodded her head respectfully. "Sire. I know the direction Hilda went."

Azura looked him in the eye. "I want to go find her. With that wound, she is at high risk for further injury and possible death."

Patrick sighed and set down his quill. "Ever since Hogsworth broke Hilda out, the Nether has been dormant. If you go alone, you could become a target." he was silent for a moment. "I'll come with you."

Azura's eyebrows jumped up. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. My generals have all the plans and will do fine without me for a few days."

Azura glanced at Nostra then nodded. "Alright then, my Lord. I leave within the hour. If you take the ground, I'll take the skies."


Thunder roared while rain poured in torrents from the sky. Despite the noise outside, inside the cave was dead silent.

Stella leaned against the wall of the cave, looking out as Rain quietly taught some Endermen a card game. Stella glanced over to them. "I hope Lance is alright."

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