Chapter 11

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Roxas knelt in the bushes. While the rest of Echo's group was asleep, he had headed down to the temple. Even if the Arch-Enchantress was actually there or not, he had to complete his mission so he could finally get paid—to bring Echo to Hellknight, dead or alive. From what he had been observing, it would be easier to bring her dead.

So his frustration was immense when he reached the temple to find it completely empty. Since there was no point in hanging around there, he began to wander the area. 

Now he was spying on a bunch of Endermen and Frostbourne soldiers. Dark clouds loomed overhead, threating more rain.

But something was off about those clouds.

A pink-haired girl came to a stop by the bushes, giving commands to a soldier. Roxas knew who she was: Lyria, leader of the Elytra Corps and youngest leader in the army. She looked exhausted as she leaned her weight onto her heels with a sign.

Then one of the clouds suddenly broke away from the rest. It came to life, turning to the shape of a dragon with iron like teeth and claws. If was Shadow.

Not knowing why, Roxas grabbed Lyria's arm and yanked her into the bush. "Look out!"

A second later, the Shadow Wrath slammed onto the ground.


Hellknight had finally left. Lance was breathing heavily and the sharp, metallic taste of blood was on his tongue. To his left, Ceris was slumped against the wall. Just beyond her, Zeganirn lay unmoving.

Lance stretched out his hand, his fingertips brushing against Ceris'. She flinched and turned her face to him, trails of blood chasing each other over her face. She looked exhausted and tears of pain lined her eyes. "Lance, I—"

"Save your strength."

"Lance, listen. I think he poisoned me."


"He forced a potion down my throat. I blacked out."

Lance pressed his lips together. "Don't worry. I'll find a way to get you and Zeg out of here."

"You meant all of us out of here. I won't be going anywhere without you."

"Right. Knowing Agaster, he will make sure I never escape him."

"What happened to him, Lance?" Ceris glanced at the door. "I remember him being an actual person. Not this monster."

Lance sighed and closed his eyes. "Remember that night the council voted that I replace my father?"


"Well, once Agaster found about that, he got into a fight with my father over it. My father still hadn't forgiven Agaster for the ten years we had been trapped in thr Overworld. It got messy, and my father banished him. I have no idea what happened to him afterwards."

"A want for power runs in your family, doesn't it?"

Lance stared at her for a long moment. "Yeah, I guess it does."


Echo fell on her face while Gwendolyn landed gracefully on her feet. 

"Of course you land upright," Echo grumbled, pulling herself up. "Wish I could do th—"

"Get back!" A fire-embellished hand reached out and grabbed Echo's arm, yanking her behind an End Stone cluster. Gwendolyn dropped down as well. "You can't be spotted, you two!"

Echo tried to keep her voice low. "Vordus! You're okay! How did you get here?"

"I had to follow the pilot alll the way here. I need to rescue Ceris," Vordus stroked his beard. "But the problem is they're in the Dragonspire. I don't think I can get in there."

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